Sorry for too large post, but I need MC, that works good (or excellent

) with multimedia data CDs
Features and behaviors I need for Theater mode:
(may be some of them already implemented)
1. Of course DVD, CDDA, VCD(SVCD...) playing
2. TV with time shifting and capturing (also from video input like VCR, Camera, etc.). Nice to have Radio from TV card.
Support for famous TV cards. (see ShowShifter for reference)
3.When I insert disk, player should recognize it and attach to list. If player does nothing it should open appropriated section and, optionally, start to play content.
-In case of data disk it should show content (optionally by folders or all in one list) filtered by supported formats or by user defined filter(s) (if directory is empty after filtering it should not appear in list) and navigate
3.When I start playing, player should automatically switch to full screen mode (but not in case of error like 'nothing to play')
4.When playing (pause is also playing mode) should be possibility to switch between theater and full screen modes (only 2 modes. I NO need window mode on TV ). In general switching should be between window and theater modes. Inside this modes you can switch to full screen and back.
5.Nice to have: Remember (and restore) for disk/file last playing position and bookmarks(e.g. digits 0-9. shortcut + digit after it saves bookmark)
6.I want to see in some way (bar or/and time stamp) playing position, when I seek forward or backward.
7.When seeking, nice to see (for video) picture where we are now (see MPlayer for example).
8.Very nice to have: when I pressing seek shortcut for long time seeking should accelerate (for Remote control shortcut will be called multiple times in short time).
9. Very nice to have: possibility to jump to position by entering time (shortcut in full screen opens edit box for 4 digits. Entering last digit makes jump)
10.Nice to have: possibility to see position, remaining time, total remaining time on screen corner like 'display' mode in regular DVD players (can be switched by one shortcut in loop). In the best case this option can be customized by user (what to show, list of possible items, etc)
11.Should be shortcut to change (when playing) aspect rate in loop (show selected one on the screen corner for short time).
12.When playing finished (stopped, end of list, disk ejected) player should restore previous screen and mode.
13.When disk ejected, player should stop playing (only if it playing item(s) from disk) Without any dumb Messages and should clear information about disk (list of files, etc). If there are items from another media in playlist, player should skip to first available item in list instead of stopping.
14.Must be possibility to choose subtitles file for video file (remember for next time) and nice to have automatic subtitle choosing if exists file with the same name + "_***.ext". e.g for 'video.avi' can be files 'video_eng.crt' or 'video_fr.sub' or 'video.sub' etc. (See BSplayer for reference).
15.Please, don't show message boxes in theater and full screen modes. The best way - ignore problem and continue or make most logical actions to pass the problem.
- Disk ejected - close player, clear disk info.
- Disk inserted - scan and show content.
- Cannot play - skip or do nothing (mark as wrong or hide).
- Error when playing - try to recover, if cannot skip (see MPlayer - it shows all possible even you have 5% of file alive and this data fragmented)
16.For video files nice to have some additional options like video filters, brightness, contrast, zoom in/out, etc.
17.In theater mode: screen items, that you cannot reach by keyboard (navigation arrows) should not appear on the screen - it confuses user. You have 4 arrows and Enter buttons under thumb preview, that are unachievable.