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Author Topic: How do you synchronize, is this possible ?  (Read 3093 times)


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How do you synchronize, is this possible ?
« on: July 06, 2004, 07:35:28 am »


I have loads of questions about synchronization my iHP-140. I'll try to be clear and brief.

Question 1
I oploaded  all 4 and 5 star songs to my iHP-140 with the high ogg vorbis setting (764 songs). When finished I issued the same upload and there were 33 to be uploaded. Why?

Question 2
How can I set a parameter to overwrite songs (or not) if a codec is used with a specific setting. Due to storage reasons I am trying to find out which codecsetting I can use.

Question 3
What is checked before the upload sequence starts, which songs are overwritten and which not.

Request 1
I would like to be able to convert songs with the handheld offline. When I connect it I would like to have all songs transferred and library updated on my PC.

MarSies .....


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Re:How do you synchronize, is this possible ?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2004, 10:10:14 am »

Q1 - Did you receive a message about duplicates? If so, this is why. If you have duplicates, MC cannot resolve which files to send and guesses. The next guess may include files not sent the first time.

Q2 - Can you clarify this question with an example of what you are trying to do?

Q3 - Files on the portable and in MC are compared by their Name, Artist, Album, Genre, and Track Number.

R1 - With what we have you can go ahead and convert the files without the player connected, create a playlist of the files and then transfer the playlist.


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Re:How do you synchronize, is this possible ?
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2004, 05:23:17 pm »

OK, but is there a way to auto-transcode files for tranfer to a portable? For example, I have a 512 MB SD card fro my iPaq, and I use WM VBR encoder at normal-low (which provides EXCELLENT results, at a small file size), but I sit around waiting for the transcoding when I begin the transfer.

Also, I checked auto-sync under devices for my handheld, but nothing happens when I plug in. The dialog says I must have auto-run enabled, where do I find this.

MC is mighty. Thx.



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Re:How do you synchronize, is this possible ?
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2004, 02:27:57 pm »


What do you mean by auto-transcode? If you want to transcode during the transfer to your portable, select the 'Options' button (either in the sync dialogue or in the Action Window) and check the box for 'Force file conversion during uploads.

In regards to the autosync, does your player appear as a fixed or removable drive to the PC?

If so, when auto-sync is checked, if you select the drive in the tree, the syncrhronization dialogue should appear automatically.




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Re:How do you synchronize, is this possible ?
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2004, 03:52:28 am »


It has taken a long time but I will get back to the questions I asked. Lately I haven't spend so much time anymore on testing things. I just accepted several things as they are.

Q1. Yes, I receive a duplicate file message. But not for all the songs it rewrites to the player, just for a handfull. I found out that on my player there are several files with a number at the end of the filename. The same songs with number [1], [2], etc etc..

Q2. 5 star rated songs I would like to have with the highest possible quality. Less rated songs accordingly with a lower quality. I would like to be able to indicate that songs (according to the situation) with a higher or lesser quality should be overwritten when transferring songs. In case of enough storage capacity I might decide to store 5 rated songs in lossless wav. Or just Ogg Vorbis with a lower quality setting.

Q3. Not on filesize, that's a pitty!

R1. Yes, it can be done with a trick. A special button for this would be appreciated.

With me the autosynchronization does not work either. It has been explaned how to do this a while ago. It had to be done in the registry. Can't MC do this when checking the synchronization box. I also would like to synchronize but with special rules about songs.

New request
I found out that I have several (duplicate) files on my player. How can I find out which songs have duplicates. There is a way to do this for the songs on the PC.

Last question
Are there more things implemented for handheld support on the MC11. If yes then I will "upgrade".

MarSies .....



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Re:How do you synchronize, is this possible ?
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2004, 09:46:59 am »


Q3. This is done so that converted files are not resent during transfer.

New request
I found out that I have several (duplicate) files on my player. How can I find out which songs have duplicates. There is a way to do this for the songs on the PC.

On the iRiver right? The easiest thing to do is delete and resend the files. What problems are the duplicates on the players causing for you?



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Re:How do you synchronize, is this possible ?
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2004, 02:37:34 am »


Duplicate files on the iRiver are unwanted, because:
  • They take up space
  • When I listen to the device I hear the same song more then once
  • They cause unwanted synchronization errors
What about something to detect them. Or a way to show inconcistency's in files.
MarSies .....



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Re:How do you synchronize, is this possible ?
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2004, 08:35:30 am »


I can add this sometime. Duplicates should never end up on the player in the first place if all files are tagged uniquely according to their Name, Artist, Album, Genre and TrackNumber. It raises the question of what is a duplicate, a files with identical tag information or the audio content of the file. Our current system is designed around duplicates being defined as  a subset of the tag info.



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Sync duplicates question?
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2004, 12:38:10 pm »

Steve, re duplicates:

MC is treating files as duplicates during sync when the contents of the track name, album, artist and genre tags are the same but the track number is different (this happens when there are alternate takes of a song on an album; or when I have a classical piece where the 4 tracks are named allegro, andante, minuet, allegro, so the track name for track 1 is allegro, and the track name for track 4 is also allegro).  Is this working correctly? (I'm syncing to a Creative Zen Xtra)



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Re:How do you synchronize, is this possible ?
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2004, 02:07:55 pm »


What version of MC are you running? Do you have 'Delete unselected files' checked?

If MC 11, get the next build and this should be resolved.




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Re:How do you synchronize, is this possible ?
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2004, 07:45:37 pm »

I'm running MC 10.0.149 with Creative Zen plugin 9.0.54.  I do have "delete unselected"checked (so every sync deletes the autorenamed "dupes" and then uploads and autorenames them again.  Otherwise I end up with allegro(1), allegro(2) etc. all of which are the same file....


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Re:How do you synchronize, is this possible ?
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2004, 09:45:18 am »


My reference to MC 11 was regarding a similar problem but as I see your most recent post, I realize this is not your problem.

Your problem is more of a Nomad limitation. MC treats files with the same Name, Artist, Album, and Genre but different Track Numbers as unique (in regards to transfers to Portable Devices). This same file is treated by Nomad as a duplicate. When you see the dialogue about handling duplicates, that is in response to an error by Nomad's SDK indicating that the files are duplicates. Renaming the files at that point will not solve the problem because MC will treat the Nomad file as a different file than what is in the MC library (based on matching of Name, Artist, Album, Genre and Track Number).

The most accurate solution would be to change the name of the files in MC to reflect the track number (i.e Allegro - Mvt 1, Allegro - Mvt. 4).



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Re:How do you synchronize, is this possible ?
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2004, 03:11:48 pm »

Steve, thanks for clearing that up, I appreciate your replies greatly.  I had actually started doing what you suggested already....  
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