Well if Bush loses he can just suspend the process due to the terrorist threat.
I heard about that this weekend. They (I don't recall who "they" are exactly--some committee set up by Bush or Homeland Security or something) are preparing proposals to suspend the election if need be due to terrorist activities.
The thing is, the constitution dictates that the term of office for the President is four years, so I don't care how they word it, wouldn't it be unconstitutional (by definition) to suspend the election? I just can't see it happening no matter how much Bush or Cheney may want it.
Back on topic.... ideally, like I implied in my first post, I would consider myself more Libertarian than Republican or Democrat, but sadly, the realist in me thinks their platform is just too utopian and would never work in the "real world." (To Michael Badnarik: No more taxes, you say? Cool. Good luck with that.)
I'd vote for Bush, I suppose, if only he would ditch Dick Cheney. With Cheney, he'll never get my vote. About Kerry, I don't know. There is just something about him I don't like. I just get a bad feeling about him.
Frankly, what I would like to see is the Republicans (minus Cheney) win the Oval Office and the Democrats win back the House and Senate. (Is that possible this election? I haven't checked the numbers.) As crazy as it sounds, I think a bipartisan governement works best: neither branch can do anything too crazy without the other getting in their way.