I have already made new playlists on the other machine and restoring the library wipes them out. Why is this part of the tree so protected from import.
It would have worked if I restored the backup before doing anyting else to customize the new machine. Restoring a library also loses any customization I do with fields, etc. Using the 'handheld' option is painfully slow reading 50gb of music, I'm still waiting. I do not see this as the correct solution but a poor workaround even if it does work to just transfer my playlists created on other machines.
Perhaps it would be better to have a restore options screen for overwritting or reconciling. I am aware that I can use media server to look at the library from other machines but I lose control for editing and drag and drop mp3s to other programs from mc11 because of the network path reference introduced into the filename. This would all go away if they fixed that.
Hence, I only want the playists to appear in the tree under Playlists including Groups. I hope they improve this area.