Hey bro. Im here in Shanghai and stopped into an I-Bar to check my email and perused the MC forum and here you are. Just a couple quick suggestions. Please dont take my words as harsh, they are just coming from an incessant visual tweaker.
1: I think the action window should have the same bar as the caption. Reason being the same as you mentioned. Many things in the action panes have square edges and they look funny with rounded edges. It worked in Opulence because there were no edges, but I noticed it being a problem in Opus. I like the idea of making the action pane look like the Start menu, however, since this particular port is from a skin that is meant to look like classic, I think it would be more pleasing and more uniform if the entire skin were modeled after the explorer style.
2: Consider, if possible, making the left/right and top/bottom pane dividers/sliders similar to that of the windows explorer. Just a simple bar that is colored the same shade as the menu area. That would give it more of an "explorer-like" feel.
3: Dont change the status and menu bars. I think they are great the shade they are. As long as they match the cooresponding menu area colors in the Codename VS.
4: Consider also, if possible, making the tree area, groups area, and files area all the same color as the background of the main window area in explorer.
5: Finally, and this is just my extremely obsessive compulsive, anal retentive, meticulous side kicking in, is it possible to scale down the title bar area to match that of the default size of the Codename VS. Perhaps it already is and my resolution is decieving me. If that is the case, I can take the time on my own to resize the image.
Extra for good measure: Shouldn't the "close" button be red like the Codename VS?
OK, that's enough of my crazy nitpicking. Hope you're not ready to hunt me down and break my fingers. Should you be in need of any more ideas or constructive criticism, I'm available on Mon- Fri and my hours are 9:...

....I mean, just let me know
-edit- I just noticed something as I was looking again. The menu items in the title bar. I noticed that in the Lunatic Silver/Blue/Green skins the designer was able to somehow get the menubar under the title bar. Is it possible to do that on this one? I know its just some more nitpicking, but I think it would make a great impact on the aesthetics of this skin. Please feel free to post your thoughts about my suggestions on here. You dont have to worry about offending me, after all, you are the designer and I would imagine you are far more skilled at this than I am. I have never been much of a builder/beginner. Im more the idea guy. But, I've been told that I'd make one hell of a reverse engineer. Anyway, Im off again. -edit-