I've had it for two years now and have kept up with all the updates via StarDock Central.
I got it mainly for WindowBlinds, SkinStudio, and ObjectBar.
WindowBlinds, and SkinStudio are great products but ObjectBar has been a royal pain & I no longer use it.
I finally found a Taskbar within one of the WindowBlinds skins that I could apply to any other WindowBlinds using the "Always use the Taskbar desired" option.
WinCustomize is a rip off as far as I am concerned. For $20.00 US, it seemed that I was getting nothing more then a few custom skin sets. I could get nearly the same effect using WindowBlinds plus some of the other features of ObjectDesktop. My advice about WinCustomize is to save your money as it is simply not worth it. With over 10,000 WindowBlinds skins available you can almost always find the one or two that turns you on.
StarDock worked very closely with Microsoft in the development of the original Win XP skins and has Microsoft's blessing; in fact, there are several WindowBlinds skins featured on some Microsoft web sites.
Most program run very well with WindoeBlinds, in fact WindowBlinds is actually faster then the original Win XP blue skin as StarDock uses something called Predictive Skinning where they only write the skin to memory every fourth of fifth time as the human eye can not see the difference.
That said, there is occasionally a problem with some programs, so there is a WindowBlinds option called Per Application that lets you customize what part of any program that gets skinned or not; works very well indeed.
After using WndowBlinds you will not want to go back to plain ol XP default skins.