Can I ask, how have you mapped 30 odd genres using king spartas plugin. it has less than 10 fields to choose genres doesnt it? or i am misunderstanding how to use it?
if i had any intrest I might look into this.
and whats in the registry looks nothing like whats in the SDK and how to use it.
but it looks like "O" = "0"
I see no way in the SDK to pull up a list of preset Genres in the SDK. some of the plug-in programers have complained of the lack of suport in the SDK and really very little work has been done to it since MJ8. many of them have stopped making plug-ins for Media Center and Media Jukebox. Also Submitting Plugins directly to the server was broken for more than a year (not sure if it is fixed now or not).
however there maybe a way of pulling up this info directly thru reading the registry. the problem there is the registry for new versions keeps changing. so it would be hard to make it compatable on all versions of media center.
Maybe they will create a way to read this info if there is not one now, i just have no clue.