I have a question about how multiple libraries work. I have an iPod that I'm currently using with iTunes for Windows, due to the ease of use with AAC and the dynamic playlists. I also have MC11 setup for use with my Tivo, and since there's no way to stream the AAC files to the Tivo (converting on the fly) I have another set of music encoded in MP3 format for my tivo.
I would like to start using MC with the iPod, but I want to use the AAC files that I have ripped with iTunes, but I don't want to 'contaminate' my mp3 library with duplicate songs. I know there's a way to do it, but can I have more than one library, one 'general use' library comprised on my mp3s and digital pictures for use with my other computers/tivo and one comprised just of my AAC files to use when syncing with my iPod?
The reason I want to switch the iPod over to MC is that the smart playlists are starting to REALLY annoy me in iTunes, and I like the smartlists in MC MUCH better, but I still want to use the AAC files on the iPod.
Thanks in advance.