A lawyer of Charlotte, North Carolina, bought a rare and very expensive cigar box, and contracted an insurance policy against fire and other risks. To the end of one month, having smoked all the stock of cigars and still without having pay at least the first installment of the prémio of the insurance, the lawyer entered with a share against the insuring one.
In the share, the lawyer declared that the cigars had been lost "in a series of small fires." The insurance company opposed to pay it, basing with an argument: the man consumed cigars in the normal way.
The lawyer processed the insuring one... and win's!!!!!!
When pronouncing the sentence, the judge agreed to the insurance company of that the claim was trifler. Not obstante, the judge declared that the lawyer contracted an insurance policy with the insuring one, in which this agreed that the cigars were also held and that covered the risk of the fire, without defining, however, what would be considered "unacceptable fire". Therefore, she was obliged to pay the indemnização.
Instead of supporting the long and expensive resource of the sentence, the insurance company accepted the decision and paid USD 15,000.00 to the lawyer for its "loss of rare cigars, burnt in fires".
NOW The BEST PART. After the lawyer receiving the check, the insurance company ordered to arrest it for 25 ARSON cases, BECAUSE DELIBERATE! With the proper Reividication of payment of the insurance and the jurisprudence of the previous case to be used against it, the lawyer was condemned by intentionally setting on fire its property covered for insurance and condemned the 24 months in the arrest and to a fine in the value of USD 24.000,00.
From a Portuguese News Website translated to English by BabelFish