i downloaded the 8.0 trial version of jukebox player in the early morning hours of the 23 october 2002 and with some online help from a friend, started to use the program late in the evening that same day.
While trying to learn how to use the varioous onctionalities, such as converting WMA songs into mp3 format, i noticed that the clock on my pc was incorrect, and therefore fixed it to the correct time/date/year. Some time after that, I turned off my pc for awhile.
When i resumed work on converting the targeted files, the Media jukebox opened a window informing me that my "30 day trial period had expired ", and then a smaller ERROR window stating that it "could not create encoder control".
I am sufficiently impressed by the Media jukebox software to consider buying it, but am truly dissapointed in not being able to enjoy the full trial period as publicized.
I was also dissapointed in not being to find any other venue on the internet site in order to contact Media Jukebox customer service representatives other than this forum.
i hope to get somekind of formal company response in the near future.