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Author Topic: TiVo unable to see Media Server  (Read 2874 times)


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TiVo unable to see Media Server
« on: January 23, 2005, 10:32:00 pm »

Well, I've dug through the posts in here, and I haven't found anything that seems to work for me.  I'm running MC 10.0.173, and I've got a Pioneer DVR-810H (DVD burner + Series 2 TiVo), which is running TiVo software version 5.2.2-01-2-275.  The unit's networking is working correctly for making the daily "call".

I've run Media Server under two different configurations with no success.
1) Auto port select for Media Server, TiVo HMO on port 80, TiVo Beacon running (and verified it has opened ports)

I get the following log data (successive lines):

sharing thread started, sending 415, Client tried to download an unsupported file type, sharing thread exiting, received a connection, ready for another connections, unknown request: /

2) Manual set Media server to port 81, Tivo HMO on 8079 with beacon on 2190, TiVo Beacon running

When I try to connect, nothing happens.  If I try and access port 8079 on another computer over the web, it just says "Completely bad request"

Any help?

John Gateley

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Re: TiVo unable to see Media Server
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2005, 09:55:50 am »

Are there any proxies? Anything between the TiVo and Media Server that might be changing the communication?



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Re: TiVo unable to see Media Server
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2005, 03:21:22 pm »

Nope.  The network configuration isn't entirely standard though.  Here's how it's setup:

Router #1 - Linksys WRT54G, connected to cablemodem, runs DHCP
* x.x.x.100 - Computer with MC10.0.173 'jake'
* x.x.x.101 - Linux box 'elwood'
* x.x.x.102 - Vonage ATA
* x.x.x.x - all other wireless devices would see this router as the access point

Router #2 - Linksys WRT54G which operates in client mode to connect its attached device(s) to Router #1
* x.x.x.103 - TiVo DVD/DVR, connected via Linksys USB 2.0 wired adapter (this device is assigned its IP by router #1 - router #2 does not run DHCP).

The connection from Router 2 <--> Router 1 <--> Internet is good - the TiVo can make its daily program call, and I can alternately plug a laptop into Router #2 and surf the net.  A laptop connected to Router #2 can ping computers connected to Router #1, but Jake is unable to ping the TiVo (although that may be due to the TiVo's own firewall).

I've posted this same question over at, since I'm unable to get TiVo Desktop to work either - it can't see the TiVo.

John Gateley

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Re: TiVo unable to see Media Server
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2005, 04:17:29 pm »

My TiVo responds to pings.

I'm not sure what's going on here. If the TiVo desktop doesn't work either, that indicates a network configuration problem. If you've got a laptop or spare computer handy, hook it to the client Router and see if you can access a web server or some service (telnet, echo) on either jake or elwood. It might be a routing problem only involving the 10.x.x.x addresses.



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Re: TiVo unable to see Media Server
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2005, 08:58:21 pm »

Ok, I managed to figure it out - it's a somewhat esoteric pair of settings - in the router's control panel, you need to disable loopback and 802.1x.

Things seem to be working just fine.

One other question - if I want to stream M4A files, can I use a WinAmp decoder to get the sound output?

John Gateley

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Re: TiVo unable to see Media Server
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2005, 09:28:38 am »

One other question - if I want to stream M4A files, can I use a WinAmp decoder to get the sound output?

Give it a try and let us know :)
Some WinAmp plugins don't do the right thing, so it may not work.



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Re: TiVo unable to see Media Server
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2005, 06:13:42 pm »


Gave it a spin with WinAmp 5.08's in_mp4.dll.  Playback appears to work with it in MC, but no love when I try to send it down to the TiVo.

Seems like something that shouldn't be rocket science - just need to catch the decoded output, pipe it back through an MP3 encoder and serve it up.

But then again...I'm a food engineer not a computer engineer :)

John Gateley

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Re: TiVo unable to see Media Server
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2005, 10:27:55 am »

With some formats and/or plugins, we can't catch the decoded output. Unfortunately, this appears to be one of them.

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