Sounds like you are not going to change this...

So I have to please you to
change it?! I'd like to please you to
fix it.
It's just horrible: if I'm tagging new files, I have to listen to the song than press stop, wait for three seconds and than I can go on working. I know, I could turn of fade out or press pause or press next. But the bug stays.
Perhaps it's time to change the design a bit. I really love MC, but I cannot understand why on the one hand adding features more and more and on the other staying with this uncomfortable "design". It's like having a super-luxus Mercedes with an old VW-Käfer (Beetle) engine. Perhaps you should have a small glance to the winamp player engine. I don't know how it works, but for me it works perfektly. No hanging on fade, it supports video-audio fade and even with big Buffer (20 sec and more) I'm able to seek in real time.
At least: thanks for answering my question after this long time. I hope in a far future you will give a dignified designed engine to your excellent case.