Thank you for your votes, comments, and questions! I am very happy to see the number of votes for "Yes"; more then I expected. Now that it has been about a day I wanted to respond to a few of the questions

Where's the playlist button?
I didn't want one. I think the Standard View interface is so much better. From there I can not only see what is coming up next, but also make changes and interact with library. I only really care about the current track and time especially since I do a lot of web media streaming
I like the looks but it does look bigger than Blade. I use No Frills (with some minor modifications from me) just because I want the smallest possible footprint. I just tried Blade and it's not bad but still long. Yours could be shortened by the horizontal bar to the left of the name. Not sure if that's volume or position. I usually never touch my volume because I use Replay Gain and if I can hit the Pause button if I need to mute. Position doesn't mean anything as long as the time counter is there.
I designed this to be on a 1024x768 secondary monitor (I use a 1600x1200x32 as my primary and 1024x768x32 as my secondary), but I do understand the value of what you use. The slider you are referring to is for volume (probably should indicate that better). I actually never touch the thing, it just tells me how loud the volume is before I start playing something. I have a Logitech media keyboard without the iTouch software installed. When the software was installed the volume wheel on the keyboard showed an OSD when it was being changed, but once I uninstalled the software I lost the OSD (You can read why I removed the software here: I liked the OSD so much that I wanted to at least show it on my skin. Same as you, I never use the position slider.
I like what dcwebman had to say about the smallest footprint. I am going to leave this thread open for a while longer for comments, but since there are at least a few people who like it, I think I am going to make this available to everyone. It probably won't visually change too much before I release version 1, but I have started a list of things I want to add, modify, and enhance for future versions (version 2 will have the size changer including a "smallest footprint" option and probably a show/hide feature for the volume slider). I am planning to work on this regularly and provide updated versions.
In the mean time, please continue to comment. Thank you all so much!