Hey Steve,
I was just working on copying some files to a friends computer to try to re-synch my iPod. When I started copying the files from the iPod (from within MC) it came up and asked me if I wanted to overwrite a file. I looked into it a little and it seems you are shortening the file names to let the quicktime files play. I understand this, but I have already done this in the past for other reasons, and now after you have shortened them further, the files on the iPod no longer match the filenames in MC.
This is a problem for me since when I need to copy the files onto a machine to manage MC from a different computer, the files from the iPod no longer match MC. Therefore, MC doesn't know that the files from the iPod are the same as in MC, and my library can't find the right files anymore. This didn't used to be the case.
Is there any way you can skip shortining the filenames if they are already short enough to work?
PS Lucky me I'm heading back to the US where I can do all of this with the original files soon, but in the future, I'd be SOL.