I have not tried time-shifting yet but I did come across with a solution. I was looking at other settings in TV Configuration and found a tab "Digital TV" and under "Video Mixing Renderer" all three boxes were checked.
x Use YUV Mixing Mode
x Dynamic Decimation
x Dynamic Switch to BOB
I found that when I un-checked "Dynamic Decimation" the quality of live HDTV increased to the quality that the ATI DTV software has. I tried the other Mixing mode combinations and they didn't seem to change anthing.
I tried the Help with the link to microsoft to try a get an idea what "Dynamic Decimation" is but there does not seem to be a good discription of what this setting affects. Did a search on the WEB and most
links talked about CD Audio and not Video. If you know what "Dynamic Decimation" does I would like to know.
I would recomend that all users of the ATI HDTV Wonder check this setting. They might be very suprised
with the increased HDTV quality. Not sure what the default settings were.
Looks like problem is solved.