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Author Topic: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues  (Read 3647 times)


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SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« on: October 25, 2005, 11:06:14 am »

I have a 60gb ipod running Win XP SP2.  After installing MC 11.1.39 I noticed that when I clicked on the ipod view in MC I could not see any playlists or tracks on the device.  I could see that the ipod was using about 30gb of space so I tried to install 11.1.38 (the last semi-working version for me) over the top of 11.1.39 and that did the same thing (no playlists or tracks but about 30gb of used space). At that point I decided to try and rebuild from database.  Apparently that completely SCREWED my ipod.  I unplugged it and it was doing the continuous reboot thing with the apple logo except this time I could not do the soft/hard reset procedure to get the device into disk mode.  No matter what I did it would continue to reboot back to the apple logo.  On one or two occasions when trying to get the device into disk mode I noticed the battery with the exclamation point icon for a brief second and then it would disappear and it would continue to reboot.
           I tried to do the soft/hard reset procedure with the device plugged into my firewire card on my computer and I also tried to do it with the wall charger with no success.  I know that the firewire card is working because the ipod is recognized for a brief second when I connect it to my computer and then it goes through the reboot process and it disappears.  Currently I have my ipod plugged into the wall charger at home hoping that the battery with the exclamation point icon means  that the battery just drained and that a full recharge will enable me to get the thing out of the continuous reboot phase.  If that does not work I need to send it back to apple.  Unless anyone has any other ideas?
     To say that this is frustrating is an understatement.  I know for a fact that someone else on this board had the same problem and they had to ship their ipod back to apple because they could not get the device to stop rebooting.  I am not sure what the link between MC and this problem on ipods is, but there seems to be one and people should beware.  I realize that MC 11.1 is alpha software and we should use it at our own risk but I think that it is important for people to be made aware that this program has the potential to break your ipod.




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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2005, 11:56:52 am »

It's very frustrating. Been there. Done it. Reinstalled the firmware :-)

You want to put your iPod into disk-mode. You should then be able to connect it to your computer.
You might want to re-install the firmware to remove any removing problems.
In MC initialize your iPod. MC11.1 shouldn't corrupt your iPod -- at least it hasn't done so with mine. Also, chances are that software can't corrupt your iPod in way so that you will need to send it back!

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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2005, 01:35:37 pm »

Hey pank2002,

    Thanks for the reply.  I am not able to get the ipod out of the continuous reboot loop so I can not get it into disk mode or change firmware.  I am going to check it when I get home to see if a full charge made a difference or if the constant rebooting fried my ipod all together.....



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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2005, 02:06:50 pm »

hi bd6675

Here's how to do it: put the Hold switch in ON, then back to OFF. Then press MENU and SELECT simultaneously and hold for a bit, and on release the iPod should reboot. Then you must press the PLAY and SELECT simultaneously direct aufter the reboot. The result is (I hope): you are in disk mode!



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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2005, 02:23:02 pm »

Yes, as pointed out by Frank you can definitely get it in disk-mode. I have had my iPod do the same, and it's possible to get it to disk-mode. Either do a hard reboot or wait for it to start over, and hold Play and Select.
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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2005, 02:30:46 pm »

Thanks to all for the helpful comments.

At that point I decided to try and rebuild from database.  Apparently that completely SCREWED my ipod.  I unplugged it and it was doing the continuous reboot thing with the apple logo except this time I could not do the soft/hard reset procedure to get the device into disk mode.

I don't think the rebuild screwed the iPod. Be careful whtn unplugging the iPod that you either do the 'eject' option from within MC or better yet, use the 'Safely Remove Hardware' feature from the task bar.


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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2005, 02:38:25 pm »

Hey guys,

    Thanks for all the suggestions.  I have taken all those steps to get the ipod into disk mode (I had to do this once before with a previous build of MC to remove the itunesdb file and I was successful).  I am wondering if the reason I can not get into disk mode has something to do with the battery/ exclamation point icon that flashed on the screen.  I will know more tonight when I get home.  I have been charging the thing from the wall charger all day.


    I always disconnect the ipod using the safely remove hardware icon by the time.  I will do some more testing tonight and report back.


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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2005, 02:49:10 pm »

MC doesn't inform Windows that the iPod has been removed which cause an error when you remove the iPod.

Using the Remove Hardware... feature you have to do a lot of clicking. I like this small program to remove the iPod:


You should probably have battery on your iPod ;) Just connect it to the computer and go into disk-mode.

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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2005, 02:56:41 pm »

Hey pank2002,

   Yeah, I tried to get the ipod into disk mode while it was connected to my pc first and that was not working.  I like that utility you posted.  I will give it a shot once my ipod comes back to life.

Thanks again,



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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2005, 03:25:33 pm »

MC doesn't inform Windows that the iPod has been removed which cause an error when you remove the iPod.

Actually it does, that is why when you select 'Eject' from within MC the icon on the iPod will change from 'Connected' to the 'check' that means it can be disconnected. Subsequent to this, MC is not aware that the iPod is removed until you physically unplug it.


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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2005, 03:57:18 pm »

When using MC the icon in the taskbar doesn't change when using MC's unplug command. The iPod recognize it has been disconnected but Windows doesn't and thus you are promised havoc if you ever do it again by Windows (which mercifully lets you get about, this time only!:) ) This of course is BS, but it's no fun having to close Window's warning every time you unplug the iPod.

It might have been changed in MC11.1. I haven't tried.

Also, why does MC only recognize the iPod on start-up? Fx if I have MC running and I plug in the iPod I have to restart MC before I can sync. Or am I doing something wrong?

Listening to: Playing the Angle by Depeche Mode on iPod in a delightful volume-level thanks to the new volume system  ;D
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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2005, 08:28:23 pm »

I got into disk mode and now what?  My problem has been that the new video ipod crashes MC10 everytime I click on the ipod drive letter.  I removed "itunesDB", it then showed me the drive letter but I cannot get past this.


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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2005, 08:47:26 pm »

Getting it into disk mode should have mounted it as a drive letter in windows, which I understood it wasn't doing before.
I always attach the ipod to it's cable without MC running.
Then I wait at least 30 seconds.
Open up my computer and verify that it has a drive letter in windows.
Once that part works, then move on to MC.
Start MC.
Verify that the ipod is showing up under the devices tree now.

Make sure you're running MC version 11.1.40.
My ipod photo is working pretty good with that revision where it didn't with 11.1.39.



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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2005, 08:56:24 pm »

zsix....Just tried what you sugg., and no drive letter appears in windows(drive G).  It appears sometimes but goes away soon after.  Why wouldn't my computer recognize the Ipod on the USB drive?  It cannot be a computer issue (WinXP).  I've never had this problem before w/ my old ipod.


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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2005, 08:58:49 pm »

I can see MC having trouble if windows stops seeing it as a drive letter.
Perhaps check out the forums at and search for USB and see if anyone else has any known issues.
My 4G takes about 30 seconds after I connect it before windows recognizes it and fully mounts a drive letter.  I then start MC and everything is peachy.


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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2005, 09:06:23 pm »

Yes now windows does not recognize ipod, so it may not be MC after all.  I thought it might be MC10 and I would have to upgrade to MC11.  I'm going to try & reboot, connect ipod, wait, open windows explorer, check for ipod drive letter, THEN open MC.  Crossing fingers now.


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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2005, 10:02:55 pm »

MC11.1.41 is out now.  It's worth a try.


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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2005, 11:09:44 pm »

It's been a long time since I ran 10, but 11 is leaps and bounds better in regards to ipod.
The upgrade is worth it.


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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2005, 12:51:11 am »

FYI, I was getting the crash error message with my 5G IPOD VIDEO running the latest 11.0 release and the DB rename didn't help at all. I upgraded to 11.1.41
and it solved my problem.

Although when I first copied songs to the IPOD they didn't show up in the database. I had to do the 'rebuild' option MC and then they all came back, but my Video's were gone and all the tracks showed up under videos as well as under music.

I opened up in ITUNES and redownloaded the videos and it cleans up the problem. I then did the playlist export trick to get the album art to show up.



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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2005, 06:54:55 am »

FYI-The good news is that all is working now.  I needed to RESTORE my Ipod back to factory defaults and now my computer including MC10 recognizes my "G" Drive that my Ipod is plugged into.
So here is what worked for me-
*renamed the ItunesDB file to Itunes.tmp
*Intialized ipod in MC by Rt clicking drive letter
*Restored Ipod by going to START,Programs,IPOD, latest updater and then you have a choice to update OR restore.

After that I was ready to drop files into my new Ipod.  I might consider upgrading to MC11, another $40 I think, but all is fine now. 
Thanks for the help.


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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2005, 06:58:08 am »

After that I was ready to drop files into my new Ipod.  I might consider upgrading to MC11, another $40 I think, but all is fine now. 
It's $26 if you have a registered MC10 installed.

11.0 is definitely much better with iPods.  11.1 is still better.


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Re: SERIOUS iPod and MC 11.1 issues
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2005, 09:34:29 am »


Also, why does MC only recognize the iPod on start-up?

MC 11 and 11.1 should recognize when iPod is removed and reconnected during one session.

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