Hi folks,
A few weeks ago I was at a gig using MC11.0.314 to DJ from. After a short while I found the views to freeze on what I was currently looking at and not update. Am I confusing you? At first I thaught it was just a glitch and maybe something to do with my system. However, it continues to arrise from time to time with no real regularity and can happen adhock.
One instance of when it happened was doing the following:
1> selected a playlist, added a track to "playing now"
2> selected playing now, moved the track up the list 2 spots
3> attempted to select another list however it stayed showing the "playing now" list. I tried selecting auto list, smartlists, library browser, media library, drives and devices. however, it still stayed showing "playing now"
there have been other instances where it has decided to freeze the display in the library browser and other various views.
I can still skip tracks, adjust volume, load dsp studio and other features of MC11. It just wont update the main view with the item I select from the left (using default aruba skin).