With improvements in MC11.1, MC is getting very close to perfect in its (arguably)basic functionality: organization.
While tagging mechanisms are great (the new MC 11.1 mechanisms may need new methods to tag), the mechanisms for physical organization is very poor. Once you import your files in MC, you need to change folders within MC to keep the database consistent. While MC "My Computer" provides all required features, it doesn't provide a user friendly interface.
MC should have explorer-like folders
The My Computer tree is fine, but we need to have a folder view on the right pane. For example, in the current mechanism, moving Folders is a real pain. So is searching for files that are not imported yet.
Moreover, you should be able to open multiple MC folders and copy between them. (for example similar to ACDSee).
As Vista is approaching and Windows moves to a database-centric view, MC should recapture the existing folder centric view and completely replace explorer.
Or are folders irrelevant and are doomed to disapear anyway and I shouldn't worry that my folders are as organized as my tags? (but what about non-tagged stuff such as cover booklet pdfs, log files, etc that I keep with the folders. )