Again, I wanna complain about the tagging performance. I performed several tests by playing around with panes, conditions, etc.
E.g. the very interesting formula (posted by someone else in this forum)
If(IsEqual(FormatDate([Date Imported,0],elapsed),1d,4),0. Today,If(IsEqual(Mid(FormatDate([Date Imported,0],elapsed),2,1),:,1),0. Today,If(IsEqual(Mid(FormatDate([Date Imported,0],elapsed),5,5),hours,1),1. Last 2 days,If(IsEqual(FormatDate([Date Imported,0],elapsed), 7d, 4),2. Last Week,If(IsEqual(FormatDate([Date Imported,0],elapsed), 31d, 4),3. Older than one week,If(IsEqual(FormatDate([Date Imported,0],elapsed), 184d, 4),4. Older than one month,If(IsEqual(FormatDate([Date Imported,0],elapsed), 365d, 4),5. Older than half a year,6. Older than year)))))))
makes tagging in that view impossible. Every single field change takes about 15 seconds (2400 Pentium, 1 GB RAM)
Limiting the number of files to 1000 reduces the time needed to about 2 seconds.
So the important parameter is the number of files not the complexity of queries. Of course, having complex panes reduces the speed until a next field is ready for input, but insignificantly.
The real problem with large file libraries is the LOADING PANES.
When is this refreshment needed? Couldn't it be possible to initiate the panes update manually or only in special cases, e.g. only when a column is changed that is part of the pane?
I think in this aerea there's some space for speed improvements. Everybody, who has a larger library probably knows these problems. Or is your recommendation to reduce the library size?