I have several smartlists, by genre, that I've named Top 20... Top 20 Rock, Top 20 Jazz, Top 20 Blues, etc.
Such smartlists show the top 20 songs for each genre, according to the following criteria, in order:
1.- Rating.
2.- Number plays. For same rating, the most played ones go up the list.
3.- Date imported. For same rating and same number plays, the most recent goes up in the list, since it has been played the same number of times in a lesser (most recent) period of time.
Those smartlists work great and are shown in a nice thumbnail view, docked in my "navigation" toolbar shortcut for easy access, which makes a "wow" when showed to friends.
Now, I'm thinking of having a new smartlist that would show the 5 candidates to enter the Top 20 for each cathegory. A play of those candidates would obviously make them go up in the list and enter the Top 20.
My first thinking is that if I could use the same criteria that it's used in the relative "Top 20" smartlist but, instead of limiting it to 20 tracks I would need to filter it down to just show Seq. 21 to Seq. 25... but I don't see how I can use the "seq" field of a playlist as a filter in a second one.
Can this be done? Am I missing an easy or obvious way to do it?
Thanks for any help.