I see there hasn't been much complaining that these were removed but that still doesn't mean it created confusing browsing logic as I'm not quite sure how it did?
I learned to love them and without them, find it difficult to browse as I have 6 fields in my main view and all but the album page could be trickled down to any of the other links. Imagine browsing to dates and realising you want to find a perfect mood for a group of years, but wait you can't, only artists and albums are available.
Now I have to start over go back to moods, and then find the year, very confusing for me. ?
Maybe we shouldn't consider them Bi-Directional then, but rather as just
virtual links that aren't tied and locked down to the index hierarchical logic of the view scheme settings box? Isn't this what the tree is for anyways? Not having virtual links seems to make the the tree view redundant and the new tile view kinda pointless ,other than that is looks really nice!
Point being that the library view without these links, doesn't make it any easier to use than the tree view used to. This was the main reason why I supported the merged view in the first place. Before when there were no extra links, I never found a use for the original the Library view!
A solution would be, once a link is clicked on, it is no longer available, and so technically a user cannot go in 'reverse' as mentioned being the problem. All of the other links are still available from each tile (regardless of their hierarchy),just not the ones allready chosen in the current drill down browsing session. Simply reset your session at the top drop down to start over, as you have to do anyways when running into a media browsing brick wall without the extra links!
Lets eliminate those brick walls from MC, eh?
This seems to make the most sense as the bread crumbs show the previous links clicked and the tiles show the available ones still left. Click back on the breadcrumbs, and the extra link shows back up in the tiles, it doesn't matter what order you browse them in (hence the virtual link name). Make sense guys?
If this small modification still seems too much for new users, put it as an option in the view scheme settings and not in the options drop down as it was.
Anyone else have a thought on this subject?