Doof, this is really pretty neat. Now, as I have really no idea as to what's possible and what's not, allow me to just type freely and perhaps you can make some sense from it?
1st of all, a bug...
leaving the plugin view and heading off somewhere into MC's internal My Computer, then hitting the back button is either crashing MC (one of those silent vanishing act type crashes) or offering up the following dialogue....

clicking OK here loads the plugin view, but it's just an empty window, no buttons, nothing, just the background. Clicking away from it then back again loads it up correctly.
some thoughts on what it does atm...
It would be nice if the plugin could remember the last chosen playlist? Perhaps defaulting to playing now if that playlist has since been removed?
As the main task here involves typing captions, reaching for the mouse to click on the next button gets old very quickly.
I found that hitting the enter key applies the caption and moves the selection on to the next file in the list, albeit to the sound of the windows "default beep"
been playing some more inbetween typing this stuff... got more crashes... one of them was a "has encountered a problem and needs to close" affair, which I'm pretty sure left the following in the event log ...
.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.42 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (7A05E2B3) (80131506)
mean anything to you?
I've been thinking about having another go at igniting some discussion with regard to MC and it's image handling.
Bear in mind that 99.99% of the time I might be working on images, there is also music playing...
One of the major sticking points for me has been previewing images. The action window is no good (too small).
I've found that using MC's display in windowed mode works pretty well, but only for previewing. I find that a lack of any way to set flags on the current image is really prohibitive, even access to the send to.. menu would be better than nothing...
But, before I got into that, I checked out captionator....

(click image for full size view)
Now that's what I call a preview window!! Which got me wondering about the text entry box for the [caption] field. It would be very neat if that had a drop down of different library fields, or some such, you with me?
In my mind, I see a workshop viewscheme that shows images tagged with things like "red eye", "orientation", "perspective", "crop" etc...
currently, I don't see a way to set a flag or a tag directly from any of the preview options on offer.