Thanks, that helped alot!
I just tried this one out:
g=rock ~mix=60,3,A,2,B,1,C ~sort=random
A = {Rating==5}
B = {(Rating==4 [Half Rating]=[Yes])}
C = {(Rating==4 [Half Rating]=[NO])}
That gives me 60 tracks. 30 of them 5 star, 20 at 4.5 star and 10 at 4 star. Sweet.
I understand the ~%=50 limits the tracks returned with 50%, but I don't exactly understand what it is good for in your example. B would just return with the same amount of tracks as C would it not?? 50% of 2 is 1. B=1=C ? Looks like double use of track limiting.... (the 3,A,2,B,1,C and the use of ~%=xx) Am I not thinking straight here?
The only problem I get with my playlist now is when I pick a genre I have about 20 tracks of both 5 and 4 star. It looks like they will all be played 3 times.
Is there any way to shrink the number of tracks when there are not enough? I guess I would have to get ridd of the 60 after the mix=
But what to replace it with?