I am in the process of replacing laptop with new.
Had used MC 10 and multiple upgrades, now 11.1.111 on old laptop. It plays all .m4a files OK, although it is a bit slow to start and does not allow replay gain. But no matter.
My new laptop has MC 11.1.183, downloaded this week. It plays a subset of m4a file OK, the others not at all. Could have to do with the encoding from audio to m4a (on somebody else's computer), because an album goes entirely either one way or the other.
I downloaded and installed those directshow things but not sure if they are doing everything they should. At least I now was able to drag all into MC, and it imported, although still does not play about half of them. Previously, I was unable to drag them, I would drop them and it would remain empty.
I would be surprised if this had to do with any protection, as I know some of the files were transferred from vinyl by a guy in his garage. These files are irreplaceable.
I have tried bandaids, like converting the file with IMTOO converter, but does not support this m4a (although it does provess some of them). Also I tried burning a CD using burrrns.com, so I could reencode, but that also did not work.
Do you think if I installed MC 10 and the latest MC11 on top of that on my new laptop, it would solve the problem?
Thanks so much