I've currently got my MC center system hooked up to a
widescreen TV (Sony WEGA 28" CRT).
I'm using the S-Video connector on the back of an NVidia GeForce 4 MX 440.
When I start up the system (ie Windows) it fits as if by magic the telly exactly, when the
TV is in Widescreen mode.
The TV has several modes but for general fitting, Widescreen fits best.
However when I try and play a video file in fullscreen in MC
it doesn't fit properly.
I've got several different TV-series that I'm attempting to watch.
x Lost
x Dr Who
x The Triangle
I'm pretty sure these are all filmed in Widescreen rather than cinema scope. (Maybe I'm wrong?)
Telling MC to play in source aspect ratio causes large black bars top and bottom.
The same occurs if you tell MC to play in Widescreen.
However at least when you use these methods you can still see the top and bottom
toolbars (Which are exactly in the right position on the screen).
By switching to another aspect ratio in MC the black bars can be made smaller,
however the toolbars then disapear of the top and bottom of the screen,
making the only possible method of controlling it by keyboard.
MC is set to use desktop resoloution, changing this causes weird and wonderful
effects, or even MC to crash.
Using a combination of incorrect aspect ratios, and the TV's Zoom mode
I can get the picture almost just right, however the toolbars are off the scale,
and totally unreachable. (Lucky I've got a multimedia keyboard!)...
Any thoughts?
Am I doing something quite wrong?