Now that we're talking about the Theater View in more detail, it seems like a good time to bring up some things about this mode that have always been problematic to me.
The main parts of the Theater View that seem to need attention are the "Display" sections -- both the lower left corner in the navigation window, and the Theater View "Playing Now" screen. The "Track Info" does not work in the lower left corner since it does not fit -- I am only able to see a small portion of it, and if it was small enough to fit, it would be MUCH too small to be readable anyway. It makes sense to have this lower left corner contain the album art, but at the moment the art does not scale, resulting in album covers that are too small or too large art for this area. Given that there is no "standard" for the size of album art, it seems like the only solution would be to have MC scale the art to fit in this location.
Another problem is that in order to show album art in lower left "navigation" corner, you need to have "Album Art" selected as your "Playing Now" selection. This of course means that when the "Playing Now" screen comes up, it will ALSO only show album art and NOT the "Track Info" (or Visualization) which I much prefer. It would make a lot more sense to have the navigation screen ALWAYS show the album art and NOT the "Track Info," and only offer the Track Info (or Visualization) on the Theater View "Playing Now" screen. This way, you'd see album art when navigating, and the extra info from the "Track Info" or the Visualization on the Playing Now screen.
On top of this, when displaying the Theater View output on a standard NTSC monitor, most of the Track Info screens do not fit in the space provided since they're designed to fit on the computer monitor, which is much higher res. It seems like 1) the Track info should be scaled to fit on the Theater View "Playing Now" screen, and 2) that seperate "Track Info" screens be created for the Theater View mode.
On this same subject, it would also make a LOT of sense if we could choose DIFFERENT Track Info screens for the Theater View "Playing Now" and the Standard View "Playing Now" modes. These two enviroments have different needs, such as the fact that the Theater View is typically a lot lower res, and needs to be read from a greater distance. For the same reason that the Theater View screen looks a lot different from the Standard View screen, the "Playing Now" screens in these two modes should ALSO look different. At the moment, we can only select ONE "Playing Now" screen, and it applies to both modes. This means that the choice will only work for one or the other mode, requiring constant changing if you switch back and forth between modes.