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Author Topic: Media Center 12.0.69  (Read 5620 times)


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Media Center 12.0.69
« on: September 12, 2006, 05:34:46 pm »



12.0.69 (9/12/06)

1. Fixed: Media Center would not run on some Win9x systems.
2. Fixed: Thumbnails could blink when holding the mouse over them.
3. Fixed: Deleting a file from Playing Now could leave the file's tooltip.
4. Changed: Tag window better auto-sizes label column. (by design, very long field names will show ... instead of pushing everything right)
5. Fixed: On systems with CD 'auto-run' turned off, the restart button in the rip action window was not working.
6. NEW: Stopping (or playing a new selection) when TV is time-shifted more than one minute behind live will show a confirmation dialog.
7. Changed: Clicking "Unassigned" in tagging mode for a list-type field will remove all values.
8. NEW: Updated the German translation. (thanks Bytestar and Daniel2k)
9. Changed: Made clearing the rating using graphical stars more intuitive.
10. Fixed: A wave file (and some others) could be listed as taggable even if there was not input plugin.
11. Changed: Folder watching will only wait up to 5 minutes for inactivity (during continued activity) before reconciling the database with the disk.
12. Fixed: Problems identifying some grayscale photo iPods.
13. Fixed: When the Display action window appeared in a minimized state, it wouldn't properly resize the action windows.
14. Fixed: Theater View could crash in some cases.

12.0.68 (9/8/06)

1. NEW: Theater View built on top of Direct3D 9. (experimental)
2. Changed: Renamed "Other Tags" to "More Tags" in Tag Action Window.
3. Changed: Removed the "Tag: " header from the title text of Tag Action Window pages when zoomed into a field.
4. Changed: "Add New Tag" button is at the bottom of a check list instead of the top in the Tag Action Window.
5. Changed: Tags get broken into columns in the Tag Action Window so all values are left aligned.
6. Changed: Mini View "Slim" skin shows a close button instead of a maximize button. (it exits to Standard View)
7. Fixed: Some Tag window tag changes did not properly support undo. (ctrl+z)
8. Changed: Tag window updates nicer while scrolling.
9. Fixed: Invalid translation entries for strings with formatting (like %s, %d, etc.) could cause a crash.
10. NEW: Theater View uses image stacks instead of 2x2 grids when showing a grouping of files. (like standard view)
11. Fixed: Clicking the image in the Tag window while editing a different field could cause a crash.
12. Fixed: Incomplete Shutdown Detected warning dialog wasn't getting translated.
13. Fixed: Newly inserted CD's were not always detected correctly during auto-rip sessions.

12.0.67 (9/5/06)

1. Changed: Canon RAW (and other RAW) images loaded at full resolution by default. (instead of half-resolution)
2. Changed: Thumbnailing of RAW images faster in some cases.
3. Fixed: "Acquire Images" Action Window was crowded on its bottom edge.
4. Changed: The "Display" Action Window won't minimize other Action Windows when being shown.
5. Fixed: Closing MC while it was tagging could cause a dead-lock.
6. Fixed: Deleting a playing image could cause a dead-lock.
7. Changed: When viewing a playlist, the "Seq" column shows that it's the current sort order.
8. Changed: Playlist views support user sorting (and remember the sorting). (pick "Default" from the sort menu to revert to sequence sorting)
9. Changed: Album art upload and download works better with international characters.
10. Changed: Submitting art to the internet only uploads files where a better copy doesn't already exist. (making it much faster)
11. NEW: After submitting art to the internet, a summary is shown to reflect how many images were added, alredy in the database, etc.

12.0.66 (9/1/06)

1. NEW: Middle mouse button smooth scrolling is supported in file lists and the left navigation pane.
2. NEW: "Build Missing Thumbnails..." works in a background thread instead of blocking the program.
3. Optimized: Thumbnail stacks get cached during scrolling so they aren't rebuilt as often.
4. Changed: Stack views do a nicer job of filling in their stacks as thumbnails are being built.
5. Changed: Thumbnails of single files no longer draw larger than the original image.
6. Fixed: Closing the program while an email of files was being sent by Media Center could cause an error.
7. Fixed: Problems identifying iPods connected via firewire.
8. Changed: Clicking 'Rip CD' (or 'Rip Tracks') will open the ripping action window, if the ripping action window is already open the rip will start.

12.0.65 (8/30/06)

1. Fixed: Video thumbnailing could hang with some file types. (introduced in build 64)
2. Fixed: When clicking between different lists that were visible without changing selection, the Tag window wouldn't update for the correct list.
3. NEW: When double-clicking a thumbnail that shows files below, double-clicking again will hide the files.
4. Changed: Thumbnail stacks rebuild at a higher quality when enlarging thumnails. (used to happen only after reentering view)
5. Changed: Thumbnails stacks look better at large sizes.
6. Fixed: Should correctly execute a /playreplace from the command line when the player isn't running.
7. Changed: Added ASX playlist formats to options for drive-based handhelds.
8. Fixed: Deleting drive-based device playlist from tree not working unless the playlist was at the root.

12.0.64 (8/29/06)

1. Changed: The YADB CD lookup is using the new improved database.
2. Optimized: Several significant speedups to auto-complete combo boxes.
3. Changed: Auto-complete combo boxes cap at 100,000 items instead of 2,000 items.
4. Changed: Thumbnail text only animates for thumbnails for a group of files. (not individual images or songs)
5. Fixed: Cameras (and camera memory) were appearing as portable media players.
6. Fixed: Drive based portable media players were appearing as cameras in the acquire images list.
7. Fixed: Conversions of currently playing files to the same file name (with remove old) would fail.
8. Changed: Displaying ratings in the player window is optional.
9. Changed: Revised thumbnail system to improve performance and provide higher quality thumbs at large thumb sizes. (thumbs will be rebuilt)
10. Fixed: Thumbnails of smallish images or album covers could look over-sharpened.
11. Changed: Thumbnail creation uses bicubic resizing for higher quality thumbs.

12.0.62 (8/28/06)

1. Changed: The files below a grouping like genres or artists have a drop menu to change the list style, etc.
2. Changed: The right-click menu for a view header is the same as the drop menu of the title.
3. Changed: When leaving a view with multiple thumbnailing threads still working, the program won't wait nearly as long before stopping the thumbnailing threads.
4. Fixed: Thumbnails were not being cached locally for Library Server clients.
5. Fixed: Some library server actions (like thumbnailing) could be very slow.
6. Optimized: Reduced the latency when scrolling large lists.
7. Optimized: Removed some debug code from the thumbnail loading system.
8. Optimized: Improved performance of thumbnail views that show text with the thumbnail.
9. Fixed: Auto-show menus could appear even while using a right-click menu.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2006, 06:46:22 pm »

Theater View seems to be hidden.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2006, 07:13:53 pm »

Theater View seems to be hidden.

It's working for me.  F11 or the View menu.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2006, 07:29:27 pm »

It worked after a restart.  Thanks for the excellent support.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2006, 08:02:13 pm »

4. Changed: Tag window better auto-sizes label column. (by design, very long field names will show ... instead of pushing everything right)

I guess I don't see a difference here as the label names seem to be the same as before. If I have Album Artist and Album Artist (auto) in the list, I can only tell (I have to guess at first) that the auto one is the one with the 3 dots.

Missing editable fields from tag window:
Album Gain (clear)
File Type
Last Played (clear)
Number Plays (clear)
Peak Level (clear)
Replay Gain (clear)

Missing read-only fields from tag window: ?
Bit Depth
Service: Name


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2006, 08:57:28 pm »

4. Changed: Tag window better auto-sizes label column. (by design, very long field names will show ... instead of pushing everything right)

Thanks.  This works well on my system now -- I can see the entire "Date Created," "Date Imported," and "Date Modified" field titles, which looks correct.

I'm still, however, hoping for further changes to this window, such as grid lines, the abilty to edit the order of the fields, and the ability to customize the Tag window depending on the view scheme that is currently open (MC 10 and 11 had the "Visible Columns" category for this.)

On the subject of grid lines, why do the Panes allow gridlines but the Tag Window does not?  The same reasoning applies to both windows -- i.e. it makes looking at the list easier.  If it makes sense for one, it makes sense for the other.  I also like the different colors for "read only" vs. changable tags.




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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2006, 10:42:42 pm »

Please add the ability to show the People tag (and others that are missing) in the tag action window when tagging audio files.  I've been having to show the people tag in the view scheme and edit them one at a time through there.

I realize you probably haven't worked on optimizing Theater View yet, but thought I'd provide a little more info on the slowness I'm experiencing.  When an mp3 file is playing and the playing now is being displayed in theater view, my mouse becomes sluggish.
If I leave it alone, my cpu usage will hover around 60% while the song plays.
If I move my mouse over the theater view display, then the cpu jumps to 100% and stays there until I move it off of MC and let it sit idle for a couple seconds.

Here's my system info:

Media Center Registered 12.0.69 -- E:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\

5.2 Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
AMD Unknown 2195 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1048 MB, Free - 366 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.3790.1830 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.3790 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.3790 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.3790 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping /   Drive K:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive L: LITE-ON DVDRW SHW-1635S   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive K: SONY     DVD RW DRU-700A    Addr: 2:2:0  Speed:40  MaxSpeed:40  BurnProof:Yes
  Drive L: LITE-ON  DVDRW SHW-1635S    Addr: 3:0:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2006, 11:39:23 pm »

Please add the ability to show the People tag (and others that are missing) in the tag action window when tagging audio files.  I've been having to show the people tag in the view scheme and edit them one at a time through there.

I also can't get to (and use extensively for live audio tracks): Events and Places.  And of course, I can't even get it to display those fields when they're already there.  What's the deal with this?  I would actually like to see that information in the tag window for Audio more than any other file type...

We are not alone in asking for this.  Is there anyone in the Beta team who thinks that excluding these tags from being manually displayed is A Good ThingTM?  It's just silly!
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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2006, 12:29:10 am »

Getting frequent crashes when I do a "build thumbnails" in options.
It cant be my divx or other questionable quality video files, since all my video files are on a disconnected drive. It has to be a podcast, image, or audio file that's causing it.

Also, while the build thumbnails thing was going on, I couldnt clear playing now or delete a file from it for some reason.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2006, 12:56:01 am »

I've got to believe that there's some Dark Mystery behind why certain tags are excluded from the blessed Tag Window.  Resident conspiracy theorists and tinfoil-hatters among the forum crowd are starting to take notice--how much longer can the truth remain concealed?  JRiver, I call on you to fess up:  What is it about those tags?


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2006, 01:01:17 am »

CD auto rip seems to be somewhat more error-tolerant.  Getting no connection on a CD, I was able to open and close the cd drawer and get auto rip to try again, this time successfully.  So I think we're getting there.  My main gripe now is the lack of a "retry" button for the yadb lookup dialogue box.  I can't recall--does turning off auto rip get you that? 


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2006, 07:01:20 am »

I've got to believe that there's some Dark Mystery behind why certain tags are excluded from the blessed Tag Window.  Resident conspiracy theorists and tinfoil-hatters among the forum crowd are starting to take notice--how much longer can the truth remain concealed?  JRiver, I call on you to fess up:  What is it about those tags?
I've seen it, too.  We'll find it.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2006, 07:03:28 am »

I've got to believe that there's some Dark Mystery behind why certain tags are excluded from the blessed Tag Window.  Resident conspiracy theorists and tinfoil-hatters among the forum crowd are starting to take notice--how much longer can the truth remain concealed?  JRiver, I call on you to fess up:  What is it about those tags?

* glynor adjusts his tinfoil hat to protect him from the dangerous rays eminating from the television microwave Tag Window.


EDIT: At first, I was surprised at jgreen's assertion that some of us might be conspiracy-theorists in response to my posting.  Of course, then I noticed this...

We are not alone

(Which, of course, we are not.) And then it all made sense.  Buck up, Jim....

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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2006, 08:39:20 am »

I tried changing the Genre of a song and got this:

I am running the English version.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2006, 08:50:39 am »

I tried changing the Genre of a song and got this:

I am running the English version.

Please reinstall.  You could look at FileAssociations.xml in the MC\Data\Default Resources folder and see if it looks corrupted.

Let us know if you see it again.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2006, 08:57:39 am »

CD auto rip seems to be somewhat more error-tolerant.  Getting no connection on a CD, I was able to open and close the cd drawer and get auto rip to try again, this time successfully. 
Can you describe the behavior when you say it is "Getting no connection on a CD"? Selecting the CD in the tree should refresh the information. Also, hitting F5 will do it. When you are auto-ripping, clicking "restart ripping" should do it as well.
So I think we're getting there.  My main gripe now is the lack of a "retry" button for the yadb lookup dialogue box.  I can't recall--does turning off auto rip get you that? 
No, turning off auto-rip won't change the YADB dialog. How often do you experience problems connecting to the server?
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2006, 09:34:02 am »

This one has bothered me for the past few builds but I haven't said anything until now. I have MC as a standard view and resized so that the Rating column in my details view is partially displayed, i.e. not all 5 stars show up if present. Most of my songs I don't have rated. If I have enough songs in the details to require scrolling and scroll by moving the slider with the mouse, whatever song it happens to scroll over will get its rating displayed as all stars. Scrolling to the next song removes the false display of rating from the previous song and does it on the next song.

Now if I move the mouse off the cursor and down into the details, not on the star with the false display of rating, the false display will still remain, even if I move outside MC. Moving back on to the song with the false display of rating will remove the false display.

This may seem trivial but I have accidentally set some ratings because of this.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2006, 10:12:09 am »

Please reinstall.  You could look at FileAssociations.xml in the MC\Data\Default Resources folder and see if it looks corrupted.

The FileAssociations.xml file looked fine. I reinstalled.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2006, 10:36:57 am »

Cancelled an iPod sync.  Got a confirm dialog.  Said yes.  MC hung for twenty minutes.  Hard ejected iPod but MC would not close even with a right click and end now from task bar.  Only way to kill it is to kill the process...

"It's called No Code because it's full of code. It's misinformation." - Eddie Vedder


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2006, 10:48:08 am »


My problems connecting to the YADB server are entirely my system's.  I'm running a laptop with an EVDO card from Verizon, which uses dialup protocols and is very balky.  So I'm not blaming MC for the problems connecting to yadb, I'm blaming MC for how it responds if it can't get a connection. 

Perviously, if MC couldn't get a connection it decided that there was no data available for that CD, and marked it as such.  Reinserting the CD wouldn't help--MC had permanently marked the CD as "data unavailable" and would refuse to run the macro to contact yadb.

The latest version seems to behave better, allowing me to resubmit the CD.  Since the data's there, it will get the info as soon as it gets the connection.  But reinserting the CD is a kludgy way to workaround the lack of a "retry" button.

I would say I got this problem 50% of the time.  With the latest version, it's down to around 20% of the time.  The difference in the latest version sems to be that MC will keep pinging for the yadb server longer, although if it's destined not to find it I would rather quit out of the macro sooner and retry.

I want to point out that for me, this is undrelated to deivitt's (and others') auto rip-refresh bug.  I can't tell for sure if that's been fixed but I know it is distinct from this.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2006, 03:05:07 pm »

Tried several processes under v.069 that I have not used in weeks/months:

--Play a WAV file (most of my files are FLAC)

--Analyze a WAV file

--Convert a WAV file (to FLAC)

All exhibited poor performance and/or failed outright.  I tried also with .068, .067, .066, and .065.  All were similar.

--Play a WAV file.  Select a WAV track/right click/play.  Playback is fine, but when double-clicking stop, you can't get curser control back for several seconds.  Try that with FLAC, and the cursor return is immediate.

--Analyze a WAV file.  Ran an analyze batch last night.  Ran fine through WMA's and FLACs, failed on the fourth WAV it hit, hanging unrecoverably.  Tried again today with similar results.

--Convert a WAV file to FLAC.  Converter will run through about 4 tracks and then freeze.  Restarting, you find all four tracks were converted properly, but none of the file extensions were changed.  Change them to FLAC and they play properly.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2006, 05:05:20 pm »

Browse for Folder in MC12 with Vista, MC12 crashed.

But i have this issue only with JRiver Media Center, I Tunes, Winamp, and other works fine.
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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2006, 08:36:43 pm »

With movies, even though there is an "Artist" column in the track display that can be edited, and even though the View Scheme can be organized by "Genre/Artist/Name" (which is how I organize this media type on my system) there is no "Artist" field available in the Tag window when viewing movie files -- i.e. it's not there by default, but it's also not in the list of selectable tags.

I've been using the artist field for movies for the types of movies I keep on my system, so this is a useful field for me.  With MC11, based on the types of movies I have in MC (shorts from various artists) I've always categorized my movies with Genre/Artist/Name.  I can make the view scheme this way, but the Tag window has no artist field, which is very inconsistant for the way I use MC with movies.




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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2006, 08:41:16 pm »

7. Changed: Clicking "Unassigned" in tagging mode for a list-type field will remove all values.

Just to confirm, this is working now -- thank you.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2006, 08:46:39 pm »

Is there a way to get the "Rating" to NOT display in the Tag window?  I don't use this tag, so it just gets in the way and it can sometimes "accidentally" get checked, which causes problems in certain situations where I don't want changes made to files.  I removed this column from the View Schemes, but I don't see any way of removing it from the Tag window.  Is there a way to do this, or perhaps to "lock it" from being changed?




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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2006, 08:50:25 pm »

9. Changed: Made clearing the rating using graphical stars more intuitive.

This "will" work well, but there is currently a bug with it.  When I mouse over the Ratings area, the little X only appears when the pointer is NOT over the "clear rating" spot.  When the pointer is over the spot where the X appears, the X disappears, so I have to once again click on a blank spot to get the rating to clear.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2006, 05:28:21 am »

This "will" work well, but there is currently a bug with it.  When I mouse over the Ratings area, the little X only appears when the pointer is NOT over the "clear rating" spot.  When the pointer is over the spot where the X appears, the X disappears, so I have to once again click on a blank spot to get the rating to clear.

When I mouse over it, if fades slightly, but does not disappear. I wonder if this is dictated by settings in the windows display properties? I'm not using default xp settings atm.

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Re: Media Center 12.0.69
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2006, 06:18:18 am »

chipped a few things off the list for build 69:

menus with transparency pop up behind the gforce display
exiting gforce to, say, cover art display, hard locks MC, and then, on end-tasking the non-responsive MC, I was sent a BSOD.
(I understand that gforce is 3rd party software, but think perhaps MC should have some kind of safety net that prevents plugins from pushing things as far as a blue screen state.)
update tags from library - was very, very slow, hogging system rescources.
I didn't notice a fix for this, but I just tested on 96 files and it was very snappy indeed. If I don't see it again, will be gone from list next time.
Slow Shutdown can often take quite some time. This would seem to be affected by how long MC has been open.
"3566828: General: CMCShutdownHelper::Cleanup: Finish (20969 ms)" is not uncommon to see.
This leads to much HDD grinding long after the GUI has gone, and means that if closing, then relaunching MC, the relaunch doesn't happen because the previous process is still running.
Changing thumbnail exit behaviour to 'leave' has help with this problem, but not erradicated it.
Action Window
(Panes view, Tagging mode: On) Select an image, open the [people] tag in the AW and tick a person. Keep the file selection and leave the AW as it is, and now tick a different tag in a pane. Notice the previously tagged people in the AW gets cleared.
After working inside the tag window, then moving the mouse over the file list, the scroll wheel will not work untill the list is clicked on, or scrolled manually via the scroll bar.
select a file, open the people tag in the AW. Set a tag and close [people], returning the AW to the main tag window. now move the mouse over the file list and use the scroll wheel. Nothing happens.
The cursor image is not being updated whilest inside the 'Tag' Window. All too often, as the cursor passes over the tree splitter on its way into the AW, it remains as a double headed arrow untill it passes over a tag, which changes the cursor to a clicky hand, and it will then stay as a clicky hand untill it passes over something else that causes it to change. Am I explaining this well enough?
'playlists' is taking a long time to open up in the action window. 'long time' = ~7 sconds
.avi files are not being aquired from the camera. (Discuss?)
How do we reset a file's playcount figure? [number plays] does not appear in the tag list.
slideshow playback
captions precede their images by a second or two. (Discuss?)
Could we please try this suggested solution?
expression based fields
Is this expected behaviour?
It has become markedly slower since build 47.
Clicking to tag six people is taking around 14 seconds from last click, to tick. The VS I'm testing this in has 12 panes, the expression based pane being the first.
With build 69, this is down to 7 seconds. Let me know when the time is "as good as it gets" for a viewscheme such as this.
Place the cursor on the bottom toolbar. If there is thumbnail text just out of view, ie, behind the toolbar, the thumbnail fades out to reveal its play tag stuff.
tooltips - extended desktop
This one's annoying as it makes tooltips useless near the right edge of the screen.
The TV is the secondary display device, and in the display setup, it's configured to the right of the monitor. MC's tooltips do not detect the right edge of the monitors' display area and instead, display out of view in the extended desktop area.

The context menus know where the edge is, and display to the left if there's not enough room to the right. Hopefully tooltips can be given the same 'awareness'.

both images taken from the extreme right edge of the screen.
Display View:
When using two split views, launch display view (by double clicking an image?). When returning to standard view, focus has switched to the other view in the split.
After loading a viewscheme, the panes will often re-adjust themselves width-ways, usually after a track change, or after a click or two when in tagging mode. I've lost count of the times I've lined up a click to tag, only to have the pane move away from under the mouse.
  • An "Apply" button for the 'Edit/Add View Scheme' dialogue. (Discuss?)
  • .tif file tag reading at a minimum, writing would be nice too if possible (Discuss?)
  • the ability to set a library field to be used as a caption for images and/or thumbnails when using the 'send to > web/ftp > create html' tool
  • Expressions in the 'base path' field of the rename from props tool. (Discuss?)
  • I would like to be able to use a date expression in the aquire images general "path" option, and for the scanner, I'd like to be able to setup some incremental file naming rule
  • when playing both audio and images, the dislay's context menu has "send to... (currently playing track)" would love to see "send to... (currently displayed image)" on there too.
  • Could we get a "loop slideshow" option in the image playback settings? If that's possible, could we also have access to the setting when right-click on a slideshow display? This would help greatly with image playcounts being messed up when absent-mindedly left playing in the display window.
  • Navigational favourites could use a little spit and polish. (Discuss?)

Some alternative skins are here | Import Stats on Steroids | Middle click the close button=One of the neatest things added to MC in a long time
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