I'll see... From that change comment I'm not clear if what I need will be what happens. It sounds like it might be what I want, but it's worded confusingly... So, just to reiterate:
I do like the way it works that I can select a few files from within a View Scheme and click the Rotate button and have the pictures I selected rotate.
However, when I double click on a single file (which, since I have Add to Playing Now (all) chosen as my Double Click behavior, adds the whole list to the Playing Now list) and I am viewing that single mage in Playing Now and I click Rotate, it rotates the entire Playing Now list. That's terrible! I want to be able to view my images in playing now, and "Next Track" through them, clicking Rotate on images when I see that they need to be rotated (and delete on the ones that need deleted and so on and so forth).
So, basically, from within Playing Now the image commands (including /MCC commands and toolbar buttons) should only affect the currently displayed image, and not the rest of the Playing Now playlist.
If this is what your change achieves, then hurray and ignore my further comment!!!