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Author Topic: Batch File for My Docs, Music, Pictures  (Read 1576 times)


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Batch File for My Docs, Music, Pictures
« on: October 16, 2006, 06:46:12 pm »

Would someone be willing to help me write a batch file to do the following items?  I am not exactly sure how to get started but may be able to continue if someone at least got me started.  I remember that %USERNAME% or something similar is the username--which is what I want.

1. Replace ALL my documents folders on the computer to //Server/Book1/Documents/%USERNAME%  --set the top level decider.  I think there is a place in the registry that covers all accounts!  I don't want to have to do this on each account.
2. Update My Music folder on ALL accounts to //Server/Book1/Music
3. Update My Pictures folder on ALL accounts to //Server/Book1/Pictures
4. Is there a way to set the Firefox/Thunderbird profile location without having to set it up through the UI?  If so, set to //Server/Book1/Profiles/Internet/%USERNAME% and //Server/Book1/Profiles/Email/%USERNAME%  ... same for MC if possible //Server/Book1/Profiles/Music/%USERNAME% 12   (12 for MC version 12)

I will keep thinking about more things I need but I'd really appreciate help.  Up until now, I've had to logon to EACH user account and open Tweak UI, then locate the folder.


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Re: Batch File for My Docs, Music, Pictures
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2006, 01:06:35 pm »

use a scriptable copier like robocopy or mightysync.  If you can find an rsync server/client pair those are good too.

Command line copies in MS operating systems are notoriously unreliable.


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Re: Batch File for My Docs, Music, Pictures
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2006, 07:13:30 pm »

I would use xxcopy. It fairly easy to use and the support forum is nice and so is the tutorials. It is much better, and probably richer on feature than most other programs. . .
Music is life... the rest is details.
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