I have two sorting presets saved in my customise current view settings; oldest first and newest first. They are date (a-z) and date (z-a) and they work as advertised.
If you open the customise current view dialogue, are there any other sorting parameters in the sorting options, and if not, have you specified sorting rules in step 4 of the 'edit view scheme' dialogue? I can't think of anything else that might queer this for you.
Also, this seems like an ideal opportunity to re-iterate how neat it would be if MC could allow a "Sort days by oldest first when viewing images by newest first"
This would allow us to view newest photos at the top of the list, but sorted into the order in which they were actually shot on the day.....
hmmm.... brb....
k, I'm back... and I've achieved my wish, but would still prefer to get this by means of a simple tick-in-a-box somewhere....
[date (filename friendly)] looks like so for me:
I created two new custom fields using calculated data, effectively splitting the data into seperate date and time info...
1. Time expression:
mid([date (filename friendly)],9,-1)&DataType=[Number]2. Date (no time) expression:
mid([date (filename friendly)],0,8)&DataType=[Number]Open the customise current view dialogue and set sorting rules:
date (no time) (z-a)
time (a-z)
Click OK and enjoy