I use Theater View mostly for Video.. So for comparing the two methods:
I too use Theater View mostly for Video. I feel exactly the opposite about the way it should (and does) work though! I like it exactly the way it does work (and this was discussed at length in older threads if you search for it).
First of all, some of my movies are divided up into multiple pieces so that they can be burned onto CDs. When the first piece is over, I need it to go on automatically to play the next piece in the list. If the play functionality was changed,
there would be no way to do this.
More importantly though (since those movies are somewhat few and far between as I now burn onto DVD-Rs), are TV Show episodes. I have a lot of these, and changing it so that
Play only played one file would screw me all up. As it is, I can navigate in my TV Show View scheme and find the series and season that I want to watch, which lists all the individual episodes. Then, I can navigate to the first one that I haven't yet watched (not the first one in the season, as I'm probably part-way through), and hit Play. When the that episode is finished playing, it automatically starts the next episode and so on and so forth until I (or my wife) say "I watch way too much TV" and stop it.
Again, if it were changed,
there would be no way to accomplish this other than playing the entire season from the first show (selecting the "album" and hitting play) and then manually skipping ahead through what could be 20 episodes to find the one you want. Not really workable. Remember, you can do it the way you want by two extra button pushes (menu-key -- Down-Arrow -- Add).
I think, and we came to the same conclusion in the older threads where this was discussed, that the ideal solution would be either:
a) have Theater View's Play command obey the
Options --> General --> Double-Click setting.
b) have Theater View have it's own option under
Options --> Theater View --> Play Behavior that gives you similar choices to what is offered under the above mentioned option.