I have a problem which is driving me insane - namely that in playback, I get cracks, pops and rapid wobbles (rather like a skipping CD) at irregular intervals. So far I have found out that it seems to be at least partly dependent on CPU load, which is very volatile and shoots up to 90 to 100 just when I move the mouse over the MC play controls or menu (without actually clicking anything) for example.
I have tried everything I can think of, another sound card, new drivers, re- and deinstalls etc. - and while the phenomenon started occurring around the time I installed MC12, it doesn't seem to matter which program I use for playback - MC12, MC11, Windows MP, Audacity etc. - the distortion remains more or less the same.
The only difference between the soundcards is that the SB Audigy 2 ZS makes much louder cracks and pops than the old SB PCI 128 that I dragged from the grave for comparison.
Any suggestions more than welcome !