OK, this just gets odder
You may remember my previous post on some filenames not importing- I think there's some sort of gremlin somewhere in the MC works. The file in question is named:
Star Trek DS9- 1x12 - Vortex [NiteShdw 170mb].avi
All the other files in the folder follow exactly the same naming convention, and work perfectly. If I rename the file in any way at all (For example adding 1 to the start of the filename), then it plays perfectly. A copy of the file plays perfectly, as long as the name is different. Move it out of the folder, and once again it plays perfectly, but in the same folder with the same naming convention as the rest of the files it simply doesn't work.
I've also tried a random selection of files from the other Star Trek series, all of which follow very similar naming conventions, and all work perfectly, its just this one filename in the very specific folder that doesn't.
CCP is installed, only codec pack on the machine.
I'm lost.