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Author Topic: Media Center 12.0.164  (Read 16727 times)


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #50 on: February 17, 2007, 02:56:03 pm »

Confirming I am seeing exactly the same thing as reported by matt-uk.

MC crashes when exiting after completing an ipod sync.

Reconfirming that this is 100% repeatable, and I have tested with 2 different iPod nanos.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #51 on: February 18, 2007, 05:30:51 pm »

Why can't we access the latest builds?  I remember seeing new builds almost every day.  That was nice because I could follow the changes more gradually and download a new build if a feature I requested was added.  Is there a way to download the latest available builds?  Do you have to be on the MC 12 Beta team to do so?  Is there a Beta thread as well?


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164 - Moving folders bug
« Reply #52 on: February 19, 2007, 06:18:48 am »

MC fails to move folders to different locations (in "Drives & Devices") when thumbnails display is still in progress. It gets an error that some files can not be accessed. The result is the same folder on two locations. The behavior then was somehow mysterious: I tried to move the files (which have not been moved on first time) to the new folder - again an error (it seemed to me that only the thumbnails were visible but the files already were somewhere else). To get a new starting point I closed MC and restart - then shocking! Where are my moved files?! I found them in one folder up? Not the folder that I moved them.
At last I tried to rename a folder - MC fails sometimes without (the old folder name appears again) and sometimes with error (someone is accessing some files - of course MC).



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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #53 on: February 19, 2007, 08:36:13 am »

I'm having a lot of crashes with 164. Unfortunately I can't repro any of them or even begin to guess at a cause. Sometimes they happen when I'm actively doing something (clicking, etc), but sometimes they happen when MC's just been sitting in the background and not even playing anything.

Before 164 I never had this level of instability. Currently I can't get MC to last for a full day without a crash, and often much less than that.

I'll keep looking for a repro, but I'm not that hopeful.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #54 on: February 19, 2007, 11:19:42 am »

When attempting to burn an Mp3 CD by adding a smartlist (100 random tracks), MC is no longer calculating the conversion options and thereby eliminating the automatic removal of tracks to fit on a data cd; it keeps telling me I need 8 discs to burn 4.5GB of data although it only reads in the Burn window 640mb. Then the ISO creation hangs. Something is not right here, and another user posted about the data burn hanging at this stage.

Data MP3 DVD: 3000 mb conversion from 6+GB of .ape files is correctly calculated by MC reports I need 2 discs!

The last few data burns which I have done like this, would detect the conversion settings and re-calculate the burn size and it allowed MC to suggest auto-removal of tracks if the converted amount of data was going to be to large, either for CD or DVD.


Media Center Registered 12.0.164 -- C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\

 Workstation 5.2 Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
AMD Unknown 2989 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1047 MB, Free - 146 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.3790.1830 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.3790 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.3790 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.3790 / wnaspi32.dll: 4.71 (0002) , ASPI for Win32         DLL, Copyright © 1989-2002 Adaptec, Inc. / Aspi32.sys: 4.71 (0002)

Ripping /   Drive D: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-716AL   Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive H:   Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive O: LITE-ON DVDRW SHW-1635S   Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive D: PLEXTOR  DVDR   PX-716AL    Addr: 0:0:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Drive H: LITE-ON  DVDRW SHW-1635S    Addr: 1:0:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Drive O: LITE-ON  DVDRW SHW-1635S    Addr: 1:1:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: No /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: Yes /

Portable Device Info
  Removed devices:

Device info dump for 'COWON (N:)':

WMDMName: D2 (N:)
DeviceUID: $$?$storage#removablemedia#7&3367d8bd&0&rm#{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}$0
CanonicalName: \\?\storage#removablemedia#7&3367d8bd&0&rm#{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}$0
VendorName: ; VendorID: 3617
ProductID: 2048; FirmwareVersion: 0100
WMDMSerialNumber: 3000320033003000300044003000300031003000380036003200460044004400320031003600300 0320031003900300037003500390033003000330033003000
DeviceType: 2; DeviceID: 02300D0010862FDD2160219075930330; DeviceName: COWON D2; UnsupportedDevice: 0
IsDrive: 1; DriveLetter: N:; DrivePath: ; MainDriveLetter: P:
IsJanusCapable: 0; IsIpod: 0
SupportsAlbumArt: ; AlbumArtEnabled: 1
SupportsFolders: -1; PlaylistFormat: 0; EjectMode: ; AlwaysPumpCOMMessages: 0
SupportedFileTypes: mp3;wma
ContextMenus: Delete
ApplicationName: Media Center
AudioBasePath: Music\[Artist]\[Album]\
ImageBasePath: Images\
VideoBasePath: Video\
DataBasePath: Data\
PlaylistBasePath: Playlists\
MatchKeyExpression: If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), [Name][File Size, 0], [Name]Clean([Artist], 1)[Album][Genre]FormatNumber([Track #, 0])[Media Type])

Device info dump for 'COWON D2 (P:)':

DeviceUID: $$?$storage#removablemedia#7&a86bf5b&0&rm#{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}$0
CanonicalName: \\?\storage#removablemedia#7&a86bf5b&0&rm#{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}$0
VendorName: ; VendorID: 3617
ProductID: 2048; FirmwareVersion: 0100
WMDMSerialNumber: 3000320033003000300044003000300031003000380036003200460044004400320031003600300 0320031003900300037003500390033003000330033003000
DeviceType: 2; DeviceID: 02300D0010862FDD2160219075930330; DeviceName: COWON D2; UnsupportedDevice: 0
IsDrive: 1; DriveLetter: P:; DrivePath: ; MainDriveLetter: P:
IsJanusCapable: 0; IsIpod: 0
SupportsAlbumArt: ; AlbumArtEnabled: 1
SupportsFolders: -1; PlaylistFormat: 0; EjectMode: ; AlwaysPumpCOMMessages: 0
SupportedFileTypes: mp3;wma
ContextMenus: Delete
ApplicationName: Media Center
AudioBasePath: Music\[Artist]\[Album]\
ImageBasePath: Images\
VideoBasePath: Video\
DataBasePath: Data\
PlaylistBasePath: Playlists\
MatchKeyExpression: If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), [Name][File Size, 0], [Name]Clean([Artist], 1)[Album][Genre]FormatNumber([Track #, 0])[Media Type])


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #55 on: February 19, 2007, 02:42:12 pm »

164 crashes all the time on xp sp2 coreduo. i installed on another machine and it locks up everytime i launch.  :(


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #56 on: February 19, 2007, 03:09:26 pm »

164 crashes all the time on xp sp2 coreduo. i installed on another machine and it locks up everytime i launch.  :(
Please check this thread for ideas:


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #57 on: February 20, 2007, 12:16:10 pm »

"Scrolling not working properly in VISTA.
I'm using Microsoft Wireless Laser mouse 6000.
The scroll function in browser screen of MC works as long as you move the scroll button extremely fast, which isn't very practical.  If you try and scroll in Firefox, explorer at regular speeds it works fine.
I have the latest Microsoft ipoint driver installed.
Please help."

I have been having similar issues with scrolling and I seem to be the only other user reporting this and I use x64 (not sure if this other instance was on 64bit Vista?).

I have Setpoint installed with uberOptions for Logitech Mediaplay mouse; never had ANY issues with mouseover failing to initiate scrolling until .164

Could be some corelation here with x64 & Vista. I turned off all third party plugins including Playing Now and this problem is popping up all the time.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #58 on: February 20, 2007, 03:36:07 pm »

Confirming I am seeing exactly the same thing as reported by matt-uk.

MC crashes when exiting after completing an ipod sync.

Reconfirming that this is 100% repeatable, and I have tested with 2 different iPod nanos.

I rarely use iTunes except to update my nano firmware. I just observed that iTunes consistently crashes on exit after a session that involved connecting my iPod.

JRiver, can you please let me know if you think there is a bug in MC, or if you think the problem is on my system? If the latter, any thoughts on what might be causing it? Everything (Windows XP, iTunes, etc.) is up to date on my system.


  • Guest
Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #59 on: February 21, 2007, 10:06:30 am »

19GB smartlist for random tracks from all genres but one:

Refresh either hangs or refreshes but hangs after refresh.

Have to to kill MC process.


Media Center Registered 12.0.164 -- C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\

 Workstation 5.2 Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
AMD Unknown 3002 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1047 MB, Free - 73 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.3790.1830 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.3790 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.3790 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.3790 / wnaspi32.dll: 4.71 (0002) , ASPI for Win32         DLL, Copyright © 1989-2002 Adaptec, Inc. / Aspi32.sys: 4.71 (0002)

Ripping /   Drive D: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-716AL   Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive H:   Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive J:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive D: PLEXTOR  DVDR   PX-716AL    Addr: 0:0:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Drive H: LITE-ON  DVDRW SHW-1635S    Addr: 1:0:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Drive J: LITE-ON  DVDRW SHW-1635S    Addr: 1:1:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: No /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: Yes /

Portable Device Info
  Removed devices:

Device info dump for 'COWON (O:)':

WMDMName: D2 (O:)
DeviceUID: $$?$storage#removablemedia#7&3367d8bd&0&rm#{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}$0
CanonicalName: \\?\storage#removablemedia#7&3367d8bd&0&rm#{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}$0
VendorName: ; VendorID: 3617
ProductID: 2048; FirmwareVersion: 0100
WMDMSerialNumber: 3000320033003000300044003000300031003000380036003200460044004400320031003600300 0320031003900300037003500390033003000330033003000
DeviceType: 2; DeviceID: 02300D0010862FDD2160219075930330; DeviceName: COWON D2; UnsupportedDevice: 0
IsDrive: 1; DriveLetter: O:; DrivePath: ; MainDriveLetter: P:
IsJanusCapable: 0; IsIpod: 0
SupportsAlbumArt: ; AlbumArtEnabled: 1
SupportsFolders: -1; PlaylistFormat: 0; EjectMode: ; AlwaysPumpCOMMessages: 0
SupportedFileTypes: mp3;wma
ContextMenus: Delete
ApplicationName: Media Center
AudioBasePath: Music\[Artist]\[Album]\
ImageBasePath: PICTURES\
VideoBasePath: Video\
DataBasePath: Data\
PlaylistBasePath: Playlists\
MatchKeyExpression: If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), [Name][File Size, 0], [Name]Clean([Artist], 1)[Album][Genre]FormatNumber([Track #, 0])[Media Type])

Device info dump for 'COWON D2 (1) (P:)':

WMDMName: Removable Disk (P:)
DeviceUID: $$?$storage#removablemedia#7&a86bf5b&0&rm#{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}$0
CanonicalName: \\?\storage#removablemedia#7&a86bf5b&0&rm#{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}$0
VendorName: ; VendorID: 3617
ProductID: 2048; FirmwareVersion: 0100
WMDMSerialNumber: 3000320033003000300044003000300031003000380036003200460044004400320031003600300 0320031003900300037003500390033003000330033003000
DeviceType: 2; DeviceID: 02300D0010862FDD2160219075930330; DeviceName: COWON D2; UnsupportedDevice: 0
IsDrive: 1; DriveLetter: P:; DrivePath: ; MainDriveLetter: P:
IsJanusCapable: 0; IsIpod: 0
SupportsAlbumArt: ; AlbumArtEnabled: 1
SupportsFolders: -1; PlaylistFormat: 0; EjectMode: ; AlwaysPumpCOMMessages: 0
SupportedFileTypes: mp3;wma
ContextMenus: Delete
ApplicationName: Media Center
AudioBasePath: Music\[Genre]\[Style]\[Album Artist (Custom)]\[Album]\
ImageBasePath: PICTURE\
VideoBasePath: Video\
DataBasePath: Data\
PlaylistBasePath: Playlists\
MatchKeyExpression: If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), [Name][File Size, 0], [Name]Clean([Artist], 1)[Album][Genre]FormatNumber([Track #, 0])[Media Type])


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #60 on: February 21, 2007, 01:59:12 pm »

CD inserted into drive D: for about an hour.

Started transfer to handheld.

Transfer 75% finished.

Error message appears "cannot start CD dialogue" IIRC

Hit okay pops up again and then I am asked to eject and re-insert CD.

MC shuts down without warning.


Media Center Registered 12.0.164 -- C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\

 Workstation 5.2 Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
AMD Unknown 2990 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1047 MB, Free - 733 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.3790.1830 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.3790 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.3790 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.3790 / wnaspi32.dll: 4.71 (0002) , ASPI for Win32         DLL, Copyright © 1989-2002 Adaptec, Inc. / Aspi32.sys: 4.71 (0002)

Ripping /   Drive D: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-716AL   Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive H:   Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive J:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive D: PLEXTOR  DVDR   PX-716AL    Addr: 0:0:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Drive H: LITE-ON  DVDRW SHW-1635S    Addr: 1:0:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Drive J: LITE-ON  DVDRW SHW-1635S    Addr: 1:1:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: No /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: Yes /


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #61 on: February 22, 2007, 01:02:08 pm »

164 still crashes often. I believe it may be everytime after I sync my 5g ipod. I get  "The memory could not be read" error.
It's funny because I used many version of the beta and never had any problems. I upgraded to the final release and now I have problems.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #62 on: February 22, 2007, 01:07:20 pm »

Try a redetect under handhelds in MC options.   Try initializing the iPod.  Try an uninstall/reinstall.  If that doesn't work, check this thread for similar problems:

If it still continues, please start a new thread.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #63 on: February 23, 2007, 11:53:21 am »

Burning a cd with another drive loaded with a cd, MC shows incorrect files being burned: may cause someone to cancel burn. The files on the loaded CD, not being burned, get shown as being burned to disc. Pic below:



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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #64 on: February 23, 2007, 12:24:39 pm »

Long time since we've seen the last release update.  Anything to come soon??


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #65 on: February 23, 2007, 06:50:27 pm »

Looks like it just us....I've uninstall all software related to mouse driver and i still have the same problem.
I guess a solution would be to use a different mouse but the mouse was more expensive that the software.
Please since its not so isolated can someone look into this issue a little deeper.

"Scrolling not working properly in VISTA.
I'm using Microsoft Wireless Laser mouse 6000.
The scroll function in browser screen of MC works as long as you move the scroll button extremely fast, which isn't very practical.  If you try and scroll in Firefox, explorer at regular speeds it works fine.
I have the latest Microsoft ipoint driver installed.
Please help."

I have been having similar issues with scrolling and I seem to be the only other user reporting this and I use x64 (not sure if this other instance was on 64bit Vista?).

I have Setpoint installed with uberOptions for Logitech Mediaplay mouse; never had ANY issues with mouseover failing to initiate scrolling until .164

Could be some corelation here with x64 & Vista. I turned off all third party plugins including Playing Now and this problem is popping up all the time.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #66 on: February 23, 2007, 10:01:26 pm »

I've run into problems similar to matt-uk (crash after iPod sync) and overall I found .164 rather buggy compared to the previous recent releases. I've been back to .157 about a couple days after .164 was released and I must say I'm surprised this unstable version hasn't been updated yet.

As for the iPod problem, I should add that I've now been a long time user of MC + iPod and that I've seen a spate of new problems (to be fair, most of them fixed in the following release) that I had never seen before (such as the one matt-uk describes) and that I don't quite understand since I don't see any visible improvement that would justify that a few things get broken along the way. Why these changes? I'm excited about a lot of other changes in MC, but I think that at this point you should drop changing anything to the ipod part of it. The only one thing that's missing in my view in this area is the ability to transfer truly dynamic playlists to the iPod, but I don't think that's doable, so I've pretty much given up on this and now just wish that nothing would change.

Just wanted to say that for a while. Done.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #67 on: February 24, 2007, 07:49:17 am »

I have been posting on a few bugs as of late, albeit minor ones, but I have been noticing hard crashes (no error message: MC just disappears) of MC since introducing my Cowon D2 and burning CDs this week. Getting the "failed to start CD manager control" error and hard crashes.

But the thing is a lot of the instability can't be pinned down, at least for me, a couple times MC has just bogged down in Panes mode when switching selections and a restart of MC was needed; other times MC simply will not Maximize and is locked up. Even others I can't even kill the MC process and have to hard power down my PC as a last resort. I may switch back to .157 and see if any of my issues get resolved.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #68 on: February 24, 2007, 07:50:49 am »

Someone else suggested that 2GB was the minimum for an X64 system.  Did you try that?


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Re: Media Center 12.0.164
« Reply #69 on: February 24, 2007, 07:55:00 am »

I've run into problems similar to matt-uk (crash after iPod sync) and overall I found .164 rather buggy compared to the previous recent releases. I've been back to .157 about a couple days after .164 was released and I must say I'm surprised this unstable version hasn't been updated yet.
We're aware of an iPod problem in this release and it's been fixed in a newer build, but we've also had some odd install problems that we've been chasing.  These may now be fixed.  Hopefully we'll release something newer this coming week.
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