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Author Topic: MC with Photos  (Read 1954 times)


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MC with Photos
« on: March 08, 2007, 12:30:24 am »

Just wiped my computer and re-installed MC onto it again but spaced out and left it with default options.

A couple of days later I went to try to view some pictures in a folder and double clicked one of them to view it, it opened full screen but then I tried to use Left / Right and Up/Down and Page Up/Down to go between the pics in the folder as I do with every image app I've ever used and it wouldn't scroll between images. I couldn't work out what was wrong with it until I realised that it had opened it in MC and MC only wanted to show me the single image I had double clicked and not let me use it to view the other images in the folder.

If MC wants to be my default image handler in explorer then it needs to behave a lot more rationally. If I double click on an image in explorer and MC wants to preview it for me, then I should be able to scroll up and down through every other image in that folder as well.
As default if i double click an image in explorer, when it shows me it in MC, MC should automatically navigate to the 'My Computer' view and be showing me one of the images in that folder as every/any other image app would do.


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Re: MC with Photos
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2007, 12:47:07 am »

They have to be imported into MC first. You probably have MC set as the default player and have the image extention checked for your photos in Tools>Options>file associations. Until you've imported all the media, MC doesn't know there's a file next to the one you selected, so it will only play the file selected, whether it's audio, video or images.

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Re: MC with Photos
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 02:27:00 am »

It wouldn't make any difference if they were imported or not. when you double click on the file in explorer, MC will open up and place that single file in Playing Now and 'play' it. As there are no more files in the playing now list, the pge up/pge down buttons don't actually have any files to move to.

You would need to select all the files you wanted to see, then (if you have the shell extensions enabled) right click, media center, play in media center, or, if you have double click behaviour set to "play all", you could browse to the photos using MC's internal My Computer, get to the folder you want and double click on the first file.

I understand where Johnnyboy is coming from, it's just that I very rarely come up against this problem because MC sits permanently between me and my media files so I find what I want from inside MC, not explorer. I do not have MC associated with my image files to cover me for those odd occasions where I do want this functionality. Then the double click on a file from explorer gives the preview, plus the ability to view the rest of the images in that folder by using the mouse wheel or the keyboard.


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Re: MC with Photos
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 02:42:11 am »

You can tell I don't use Explorer much to view photos and I completely forgot about the PN. I answered to hastily, sorry.

I have IrfanView for viewing directly from my folders or else I'm using MC.

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Re: MC with Photos
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2007, 03:01:03 am »

Marko seems to have grasped more what I'm saying.

If MC wants to associate itself with my files (which it sets itself to do as default so must be a desired use of it) then it has to act in a manner that suits this feature.

If it's meant to be a DB based app then having it associated as a default app to view files in explorer in makes little or no sense.

If it wants to be able to act as the full image util for peoples computers including browsing and previewing files from explorer (associating itself with these files implies this) then it has to act in a manner that reflects the users likely use (ie I am in explorer and double click the file - I'm not doing this to start navigating a DB, I'm doing it to navigate my file system).


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Re: MC with Photos
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2007, 06:51:13 am »

If I double click on an image in explorer and MC wants to preview it for me, then I should be able to scroll up and down through every other image in that folder as well.
I think MC will do that if you first select all images (ctrl-a).


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Re: MC with Photos
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2007, 08:56:22 am »

Jim of course is correct by selecting multiple images to view. This is exactly how Windows Pictures and Fax Viewer works.


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Re: MC with Photos
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2007, 10:06:15 am »

not quite:
1st of all, after selecting multiple images, you cannot then double click on one of them and retain the selection, you must right click and use the commands available on the menu there.

As for windows picture and fax viewer, if you double click on a single image file and it opens in windows picture and fax viewer, you see that image. If you then hit the right or left cursor keys, the picture and fax viewer will load the next or previous picture in that folder, and that is the functionality that johnnyboy would like to get from MC.


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Re: MC with Photos
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2007, 04:24:36 pm »

Jim of course is correct by selecting multiple images to view. This is exactly how Windows Pictures and Fax Viewer works.

Marko is right, this isn't how any other windows app works.
Basically with how it is now its not a workable image app for associating with images to preview them and seeing as it doesn't appear to be something they want to work on I'm just going to simply disable it from that task and forget about it. I'll just do what I presume everyone else probably does and find another image viewer to use for the job.


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Re: MC with Photos
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2007, 05:12:54 pm »

If you right click and play them (turn on shell integration in MC under General if you haven't), you can pause and resume the slide show with the space bar.

But maybe you'd be happier viewing from within MC.

Or maybe you wouldn't. 
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