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Author Topic: Data Master Question  (Read 1621 times)


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Data Master Question
« on: April 15, 2007, 04:31:18 pm »

I have been using datamaster to download (and upload) lyrics.  In my preferences, I checked to download lyrics only, but for tracks I download lyrics the date and track# fields get reformatted.  I use leading zeros in my track numbers (01, 02, etc.) and the leading zeros are deleted.  And my date fields are 4-digit years without months or days, and those get changed to include month and day (e.g., 1998/01/01). 

For all I know, data master might have corrupted other metdata as well.

Is there any way I can download only lyrics?  Is it possible that other fields have also been corrupted?



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Re: Data Master Question --- Track #'s and Dates being reformatted
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2007, 05:01:15 pm »

For all I know, data master might have corrupted other metadata as well.

Before you make such bold statements know the facts

Datamaster adds nothing to the fields

Datamaster also does not reformat any fields

dates are saved as they are offered up by Media Center

you are thinking your date fields are save as you typed them, but they are not, your mistake.

Datamaster also does not change the track numbers, If the SDK offers up the track numbers without a leading "0" then that is a problem with Media Centers SDK, not the Plug-In

The Program Does Not Change Formats Or Any Data Ever

Is there any way I can download only lyrics?

Ummm... Did you read the Help Page?


[X] Check lyrics in the Field list

Uncheck the other fields that you have checked.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA


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Re: Data Master Question
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2007, 05:39:44 pm »

I'm sorry for my tone.  I appreciate the work you have done with datamaser.  I appreciate that it is free -- a gift.

Having said that:

(1)  I did check the boxes as you suggest, and expected that as a result I'd only get lyrics and nothing else.  (I said that in my first post.) 
(2)  I am reading the flac tags in mp3tag, and the tags have in fact changed.  As of now, I use mediacenter only so I can use your lyrics plugin.  I rip and get tags from dbpoweramp, refine tags in mp3tag, get lyrics from you. 

Thank you for your help in advance.



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Re: Data Master Question
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2007, 05:58:50 pm »

If it is not checked then the Plug-in does nothing with that field.

that does not mean when the plug-in tells media center to save changes to a field that media center may change some some other fields  when saving the tags to make sure the data conforms to some sort of standard within media center.

Note that the plug-in it's self does not save changes to the media file, the media center sdk does the saving. So if there was a leading "0" on track numbers the media center SDk may cut it out. I have not tested that theory however.

The Plug-in does Not Check any Data That Media Center Gives it For A Field, Or Format that data in anyway. Thats why you do not see any formating controls in the plugin.

Also Media Center Does not like Leading "0"'s in track numbers

if you type a leading "0" in the track # field media center will remove it. I just tested it out in MC12.0.212
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA
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