Actually MMJB saves the tags to wave files. It adds ID3v2.3 tags to the end of the files, which is proprietary. Very few programs can read ID3v2 tags that are added to a wave container file. Here is a thread at Hydrogen Audio where I tried to help a former "MMJB & wav" user and made a few suggestions: think there are a few options for getting the tags into MC12:
1.- Use MC's "Fill Properties From Filename" tool and try to get the info from the filenames and directory paths.
- If the filenames do not contain all basic track info use the "supertagger" tool in MMJB for renaming the files.
- Create saved m3u playlists for additional info like Genre and Preference and import the playlists to MC. Later on you can mass tag the playlists files in the "Imported Playlists" playlists group.
2.- Convert the files to MP3 with MMJB (use a fast & small setting like 32 kbps).
- Import the MP3 files to MC for getting the tags inside
- Delete the MP3 files from the HD.
- Rename the file extensions inside MC's database from .mp3 to .wav with the "Find and Replace" tool.
- Make a backup copy of the the Name field contents with the "Move / Copy Fields" tool. (Copy the field to some other empty field.)
- Refresh the file format info with the "Update Libary (from tags)" tool.
- Use the "Move / Copy Fields" tool for returning the track names. (The library update replaced the track names with filenames.)
3.- Export the MMJB database. This will create a tab-delimited table in plain text format.
- Convert this text file to MC's XML format and save the file with the .mpl extension. You will need to create a system that converts the plain table to XML. I suppose that Access or some other database program could be used for this.
- Import the MPL file.
4.Request an ID3v2.3 wave tag reader. Possibly JRiver would get a few more converted MMJB users if they could easily import their tagged wave files.
Well, I don't think MM allows export of the library at all...
I don't have MMJB 10 installed, but at least the version 7.5 can export its database as I explained (I have kept only this version for testing purposes). If this option is missing from MMJB10 perhaps an older version could be used for reading the tags and exporting the database.