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Author Topic: Trying to find server name for remote server on laptop (and soon Nokia 770)  (Read 2024 times)


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Hi.  I am brand new to MC (foobar and SB3 user up to now).  I am interetsed in MC for many reasons (sonically most of all) and like that it has a web-based remote capability.  I guess I have two questions:
1)  My home desktop (where MC 12 is loaded) is called :office" so I assumed that my laptop, working in the same home lan, could simply find it (I setup remote server port 80 in options) by saying http://office:80.  No go.  How do I find the REAL name of my pc.  I use a 2Wire DSL/router and have it set to leave port 80 available outside the firewall.  MAybe the name is embedded in the home lan name?
2)  I'm getting a Nokia 770 ( had them for $129) this weekend, and my real goal is to use it to access MC 12.  Do I do anything special (once I get the url naming convention straightened out above)?  Do I need a special skin that's built for the Nokia 770?   Will it have more functionality than what is purportedly available on remote server?  I'd love to search album covers, etc (like I planned on doing on Slimserver and the Nokia until I found MC).

Thx..sorry for the basic questions.  Running WinXP.



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Welcome.  I'm not sure I'd call those questions basic, but here's a stab at an answer.

The name you're using may be a Windows name.  We need a TCP/IP name, but you can also use a TCP/IP address.  If you're behind a router, it's probably a fake address (assigned by DHCP) like  You can find it by running the Windows CMD  (Start/Run/CMD) and typing ipconfig.  You may also have firewall issues, etc.

I don't know the Nokia device.  Can you describe more about what you want?  We've been working on cell phone support a lot lately.  The board called "iPod, Zen, Phones..." is the place to post questions.  Swellguy is our developer, Rick.  He's good.  Very good.



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Thanks.  I'll try the IP address.

The Nokia 770 is a tablet pc with a smaller wider browser view.  Slimserver has a Nokia skin; thought maybe MC did too.


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I'm interested in this solution as well as it applies to ted b's point #2 ... I just picked up the Nokia 770 and want to be able to control MC with it.  But really needs some sort of skin as the web browser access is pretty basic.  My immediate plans are to use RDesktop and hope that is at least a good interimn solution.  I don't think Rdesktop, however, it will meet the WAF and will need some other solution. 

BTW - any one who interested in this Nokia device... still has some for $139 and free shipping.  Appears Nokia is closing them out.


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I'm interested in this solution too...
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