Comcast actively scans the ports on my IP address to get a response on port 80. If they detect one I will get a harassing letter talking about being thrown in jail and $1000 of dollar fines and all hell breaking loose, etc. etc...
So I don't bother to try 80 because I can see them scanning 80. I am going to try port 21 though when I get home. and when I get to work tomorrow, well see if its working and if comcast is upset about an FTP server. They shouldnt care with their bandwidth limits and all. I am really sick of being pushed around by these monopolies
I wanted the NAT to block IP address so I could always return a negative response on comcast's port scan, but still allow a connection from my own computer. I think win2k server can do that, but nothing I have currently can.
I honestly thing comcast is only blocking the VPN ports and they scan for activity on the rest.