I was under the impression that the PN pliugin was no more because Rhino had been hired by J River. Is that not true. I can't find recent versions of it anywhere. Nor can I find any skins for it. I had purchased PN a while back, although I have no clue where my info is, because I liked it a olt. As for my resolution, it is 1154x864.
playingnow's home is not in a very stable state atm, so if you want the most current stable release you may
download v1.3.0.9 from here. All the skins I (and some others) turned out for it are available
here. If you previously purchased a liscence but have lost your liscence file, I'd suggest getting in touch with rhinobanga to see if he can help you out. It's also my understanding that liscences for playingnow can still be purchased from rhinobanga.
I'll see what can be done regarding a JA clone. I warn you though, even after all this time, my photoshop skills are still very slow and limited

Impressive skin, do you share this skin ? BTW is it a skin or a photoshop picture ?
(my screen res is 1600x1200)

The 'skin' is obviously just the slim bar running along MC's top toolbar there. It's made to fit allways on top of a 1680 pixel wide screen without obscuring the control buttons of other maximised windows. I'll knock out a 1600 wide version if you like it, by taking 80 pixels or so out of the track info area. I'll give you a shout when it's done.