Hello @all,
I'm quite new to this forum, but already read a lot of useful articles and also got a bit experience with the mediacenter during the last weeks. At first, let me say, that I'm very impressed of the various features and the high level of customization this very nice program provides. It is the first time that such kind of program satisfies me. Thank you, developers!
Now to my problem:
After various re-tag-sessions, importing and a little bit customization with user-defined fields, I can say, my library is organized like I want and now I started trying out the UPnP-server-plugin to get it running with my Noxon1 iRadio. Unfortunately, it does not work.
At first, I tried (UPnP-Server options) autodetection, which completely did not work, so I switched to the preselection Terratec Noxon. The log gave me the following results:
08/24/07 11:04:03 - JRiver UPnP Server Version 1.0.47 starting...
08/24/07 11:04:04 - UPnP Media Server Device started on port 2869
08/24/07 11:04:04 - Running
08/24/07 11:04:06 - GET request of /DeviceDescription.xml
08/24/07 11:04:06 - Received request for device description
08/24/07 11:04:06 - Received GENA message
08/24/07 11:04:06 - GENA Subscribe message
08/24/07 11:04:15 - Browse BrowseDirectChildren 0()
08/24/07 11:04:21 - Browse BrowseDirectChildren 0()
08/24/07 11:04:23 - Browse BrowseDirectChildren 4(Playlists)
08/24/07 11:04:25 - Browse BrowseDirectChildren 0()
I could choose the JRiver Medicenter on the Noxon, but all I see in this menu is the entry "Playlists" and inside this there is nothing. I've tried different view schemes to display in theater view, but no one worked.
Then, I tried "Advanced" with various combinations, but, if the connection could be established on the Noxon, I again only saw "Browse BrowseDirectChildren 0()", which I guess means, it does not find any subchildren in this menu.
One thing I discovered was that if I mark the option "Allow Visual Content", I can see "Audio", "Images", "Video" and "Playlists" on the Noxon. Everyone of these entrys is empty and results in a "BrowseDirectChildren 0()"-output, except "Video". There I can see the view schemes "Calendar", "Disk Location" and so on. Why doesn't this work for "Audio"?
To exclude failures with my customized library, I reinstalled MediaCenter on my laptop. Just a clean installation, no customization, but the same result: BrowseDirectChildren 0().
My System-Info:
Media Center 12.0.308
Microsoft Windows XP Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Intel Pentium M 47 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1046 MB, Free - 607 MB
current UPnP options:
- Receiver: Advanced
- activated are: Replace Empty Genre, Use Flat URLs, Include Session ID, Allow Visual Content, Filter International Characters, Skip Child Count, Omit Host Portion of URL
- my receiver is a Terratec Noxon1 iRadio with the latest release-firmware 3.5
What can I do?