yes i ran out. i had my custom comp that i had reformatted back in spring, and ran into issues, and like all my programs i installed them all and put licenses's in right away so i didnt have to go back and do it, but j river is only program i own that the licence has this restore feature, other programs i have bought i just own it, never have to worry about running out, or making them work again.
so yes i screwed up by not having a image backup software at the time. (but i can't afford every thing at once.. if i could id sell my once $4000.00 reciever and buy the new $4995.00 one i want. lol)
and i am restoring my laptop as i mntioned so i will not have full version\unlocked of jriver cause i reformatted that with out imaging it
so People at JRiver.. im asking Politelly could i get some restores back please.
I love your program ,and of all programs i have ever bought this is the one i use Multiple Times Daily! and also the program that is always on and gets shown off to friends when they come over
(thought i should suck up a little bit maybe that will help me too)
thank you.
if i may ask though(for my own knowedge\curiosity). in regards to security issue, you guys do have my\others email address's don't you? so there for you guys should know that im a legit person and have spent my hard earned money on your software? and im assuming you can see that i have bought every version since? so if you\your servers or how ever jrivers licenses my copy it can see i have payed for it? right? why would it have to give me a set number of restores. if my comp crashes, i uninstall cause of compatibility issues, or just want to uninstall it whatever etc.. and need to reinstall, there should be no issues? your guys computers (how ever it works on yer end should see\know they he payed for this, license his software)