Going into the Registry files and deleting Convolver entries, then reinstalling Convolver, seemed to fix this issue.
I managed to get the Convolver plug in working in the DX host plug in for JR12 in an XP SP2 environment.
Intent was to implement sophisticated room correction that others have implemented in Foobar and other players (SlimDevices).
http://sourceforge.net/search/?type_of_search=soft&words=convolverI had the whole chain working well.
At some point I entered in an unworkable value into Convolver and the system "hung". There is a tab in Convolver that's called "Tuning Rigor" that I set to "Patient" and it hung and hasn't worked since.
I had to terminate J River via the Task Manager.
If I fully uninstall Convolver using the XP uninstall system all is well again.
But here's the odd thing I'm looking for help with:
If I reinstall Convolver but don't add it to my plug ins list, or even have the plug ins check marked (so that no plug ins are active) J River still hangs: It hangs when I attempt to get to the Tools / Options / DSP and Output Format page .... it won't load that page and I have to terminate J River from the Task Manager.
There must be some "lingering flag" or something that makes J River think the Convolver plug in is active ... otherwise how would it even know it was there after a complete uninstall and reinstall?