Music: 100,00%
Video: 54,50%
Images: 50,50%
Ummm... Check your math. Video can't be 54% to 50% because that would equal 104%. We now have more than 99 voters, but when it was still at 99 (I still luckily had that page loaded in another tab), it was:
Music Users: 100% (as I would expect)
Video Users: 54.5% (which leaves 45.5% non-video users)
Image Users: 50.5% (which leaves 49.5% non-image users)
I would also say that, of course, this poll is going to be somewhat skewed based on the fact that it is "responding" users, not "all users". Of course, the people who frequent this forum and respond to this type of poll are going to be skewed to the power-user sect, rather than an accurate picture of the full user base. Still, the results are surprising to me!
One thing that isn't surprising to me at all is the Video-Only at 0% (and it wasn't a choice but I'd guess Images-Only would be 0% as well). I'd guess that anyone who, like me, has a large library of video files and is using MC to organize them and manage them, would quite likely be at least somewhat of a "digital collector" and would be exceedingly unlikely to have no music files at all. That, plus the fact that for pure-video-playback-only there are plenty of free players out there that could handle the task quite well, and MC excels at Music organization above-all-else... So, if you (A) have a digital music collection, and (B) you have MC and use it to organize your video collection, then why wouldn't you use MC to also manage your Music files??