Mr ChriZ,
1. I had a look at your screenshots and see what is going on now.
Yes, indeed the "Close Disc" text is black.
The value that sets the color is found in the Main.xml document (not under <ACTIONWINDOW> where you might expect to find it

but under <FRAME>
<Colors Text="000000" DisabledText="6D6F81" Face3D="DDDDDD" Shadow3D="6D6F81" Hilight3D="D2D2DC" />
You will need to change the Text="000000" value to switch it from black to another color.
I tried a value of 81A1B7 (the same color as your AW title text) and got a better result. Please note though that if you change this color it will have a knock-on effect on other parts of the program, including text on many dialog boxes - system info dialog box, Record sound dialog box etc. Please check these for readability when making the change.
Of course, it would be better to be able to control these values independently and we will look at how we can give skinners that flexibility.
All these color values are hard to remember, so one tip for skinners is to print out a copy of the Main.xml document for a particular skin and mark it up to indicate what color value will affect which part of the program. Some are more obvious than others.
2. <why is it that on the "Burn Disc" action window
the checkbox uses a different color to that of all the other action
Some checkboxes are default and the same for all skins (Options dialog box) and others are can be defined through the Frame_CheckBox graphic.
3. <Why does the close button on popup windows not have a hover action?>
It can. Check out PixOS skin as an example. It uses a Frame_CloseButton image with 3 states as well as a MainFrame_CloseButton.