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Author Topic: MC Needs to be killed [solved]  (Read 1881 times)


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MC Needs to be killed [solved]
« on: October 11, 2007, 07:47:52 am »

Granted this is an old machine but I'm stuck in a loop; every time I start MC, it locks up when I try to switch schemes. Thumbnails are missing and MC just can't hash it out and needs to be killed every time. I've seen this behavior crop up on various machines. Anything suspicious from the end of the log?

0017455: 4028: General: RunProgram: Running...
0017465: 4028: General: RunProgram: Waiting for completion
0018056: 1328: General: CLoaderThread::PerformAction: Start
0018056: 1328: General: CLoaderThread::PerformAction: Action 15 (thread id = 1328)
0018076: 1328: General: CLoaderThread::PerformAction: Waiting... (500 ms)
0018106: 3124: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Documents and Settings\cea\Application Data\J River\Media Center 12\Temp\Devices (input) - 4028.xml
0018106: 3124: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Documents and Settings\cea\Application Data\J River\Media Center 12\Temp\Devices (input) - 4028.xml
0018106: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::CAnalyzeDevices: Start
0018106: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::CAnalyzeDevices: Finish (0 ms)
0018116: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateDevices: Start
0018116: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateDevices: Creating WMDM
0018116: 3124: Handheld: CWMDMInterface::CWMDMInterface: Start
0018166: 3124: Handheld: CWMDMInterface::CWMDMInterface: Creating WMDM object
0018456: 3124: Handheld: CWMDMInterface::CWMDMInterface: Result (hr): 0x       0
0018456: 3124: Handheld: CWMDMInterface::CWMDMInterface: WMDM valid: 1
0018466: 3124: Handheld: CWMDMInterface::CWMDMInterface: Finish (350 ms)
0018466: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateWMDMDevices: Start
0018466: 3124: Service: CMNMetering::CMNMetering: Start
0018476: 3124: Service: CMNMetering::CMNMetering: Finish (10 ms)
0018496: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateWMDMDevices: Reinitializing devices
0018606: 1328: General: CLoaderThread::PerformAction: Finish (550 ms)
0018606: 1328: General: CLoaderThread::PerformAction: Start
0018606: 1328: General: CLoaderThread::PerformAction: Action 21 (thread id = 1328)
0018606: 1328: General: CLoaderThread::PerformAction: Waiting... (500 ms)
0019117: 1328: General: CLoaderThread::PerformAction: Finish (511 ms)
0020279: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateWMDMDevices: Getting enumerator
0020299: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateWMDMDevices: Starting enumeration
0020319: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateWMDMDevices: Finish (1853 ms)
0020319: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateUSBDevices: Start
0020339: 3124: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Start
0020409: 3124: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Finish (70 ms)
0020449: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateUSBDevices: Finish (130 ms)
0020449: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateDevices: Processing metering data for computer
0020449: 3124: Handheld: CWMDMHelper::ProcessMetering: Start
0020459: 3124: Handheld: CWMDMHelper::ProcessMetering: no certificates, returning false
0020459: 3124: Handheld: CWMDMHelper::ProcessMetering: Finish (10 ms)
0020459: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateDevices: Computer metering didn't work!
0020459: 3124: Handheld: CWMDMInterface::~CWMDMInterface: Start
0020479: 3124: Handheld: CWMDMInterface::~CWMDMInterface: Finish (20 ms)
0020489: 3124: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateDevices: Finish (2373 ms)
0020619: 4028: General: RunProgram: Finished
0020629: 4028: General: RunProgram: Done waiting
0020629: 4028: General: RunProgram: Finish (3375 ms)
0020629: 4028: Handheld: CWMDMThread::Thread: Worker finished (return: 0)
0020629: 4028: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Documents and Settings\cea\Application Data\J River\Media Center 12\Temp\Devices (output) - 4028.xml
0020629: 4028: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Documents and Settings\cea\Application Data\J River\Media Center 12\Temp\Devices (output) - 4028.xml
0020629: 4028: Handheld: CWMDMThread::Thread: Enumeration succeeded -- processing results
0020880: 4028: Handheld: CWMDMThread::Thread: Finish (6309 ms)

Media Center Registered 12.0.338 -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\

Microsoft Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Intel Pentium 4 1786 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 523 MB, Free - 15 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.2900.2180 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.2900 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.2900 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.2900 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping /   Drive D: HL-DT-STRW/DVD GCC-4240N  Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive N:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive R:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive D: HL-DT-ST RW/DVD GCC-4240N   Addr: 1:0:0  Speed:24  MaxSpeed:24  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /

Portable Device Info
  Removed devices:

Interface Plugins: (Active)
  Library Server (Active)
  TiVo Server
  UPnP Server
  Playing Now


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Re: MC Needs to be killed
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2007, 07:53:12 am »

If you're killing MC, your database may now be corrupt.

Try setting up a new library and re-importing.  Then see how it behaves.


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Re: MC Needs to be killed
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2007, 08:04:13 am »

If the database is this easily corrupted, MC should never have to be killed bu the user; their should be some kind of protection because their are going to be times when it simply has to be done (directshow conflicts, etc.)

Regardless, this is the machine that gets that esoteric "Out of Memory" error every now and again.

When MC is running on this machine Task Manager reports it is utilizing around 29mb of RAM, but I couldn't figure out why I had so little available RAM (only40mb left of 512) which is contributing to sluggish performance. When I close MC I suddenly have 350mb available.

MC is now open and accessing my mapped drives; I know have 50mb of RAM.
Why does MC access the file on the remote drive (the network is blazing right now) if I have local thumbnails & library.

I'm willing to reload the library. My other laptop does not have this issue with the same setup and that is Vista x64 (yeah I know you must loive that one), but this rig is XP SP2.



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Re: MC Needs to be killed
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2007, 09:30:40 am »

I tried a new library, copied a new version to local drive as well. Both now work well with this ancient laptop. I guess the library was corrupted. Makes me a little nervous.



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Re: MC Needs to be killed
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2007, 09:37:08 am »

If the database is this easily corrupted, MC should never have to be killed bu the user; their should be some kind of protection because their are going to be times when it simply has to be done (directshow conflicts, etc.)

If you kill any program that uses a database, you'd better have a good backup of the data.

Yes, a program could be written to reconstruct data (a journaling filesystem, for example).  Yes, we could write an operating system.  Etc. etc.  But please back up your data and please don't expect your database to survive if you kill the program.  Let it run for a while.


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Re: MC Needs to be killed [solved]
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2007, 11:05:13 pm »

Yes, we could write an operating system.

Then you could try for world domination.

J OS 13

(three steps ahead of the competition)
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