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Author Topic: Sorted albums in pane view  (Read 980 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 97
  • I'm Swedish
Sorted albums in pane view
« on: October 13, 2007, 12:29:19 am »

I've always wanted to have MC showing the albums in correct order, by year, in pane view. But the default is set to alphabetically sorted.
Well, today I decided to look into this, and voila!. There IS an option for this!  :)
Right-click on the 'album' column header - 'edit view scheme' - chose "year - album".

Finally, due to my personal lazyness...and MC's greatness, I have my albums nicely sorted:



  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Sorted albums in pane view
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2007, 12:45:31 pm »

I wanted the same thing, although I got a bit more anal about it, as I wanted Artists listed in the right order, and I wanted compilation albums listed at the top in alphabetical order, and I didn't like to see self titled albums listed as say, Dire Straits - 1978 - Dire Straits.  So created my own custom field called Albums (note the plural) as such:

=if(IsEqual([Album Artist (Auto)],/(Multiple Artists/)),[Album Artist (Auto)] - [Album],[Album Artist (auto)]if(IsEqual([Album Year (Auto)],),,/ - [Album Year (Auto)])if(IsEqual([Artist],[Album]),,/ - [Album]))

[Album Year (Auto)] is another custom field because I wanted to be able to set individual song years on best of albums without messing things up...

So we have:
(Multiple Artists) - The Best Air Guitar Album in the World
Dire Straits - 1978
Dire Straits - 1979 - Communiqué

As I mostly use Albums Thumbnail view now, I also did a similar thing for the thumbnail text:
if(IsEqual([Album],[Artist]),,if(IsEqual([Album Artist (auto)],/(Multiple Artists/)),,if(IsEqual([Artist],<varies>),[Album Artist (auto)],[Artist]))

Which shows just the album title for (Multiple Artists) albums, but also shows the Artist otherwise unless the Artists for the album varies (useful if you've got an album with multiple artists all by one composer) in which case it shows the album artist.
Yay for the greatness of's the possibility of customization like this that means that I could never go back to WMP...
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