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Author Topic: So how do you easily delete the currently playing track?  (Read 2643 times)


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So how do you easily delete the currently playing track?
« on: October 21, 2007, 03:00:05 am »

Using the trial ATM, and I can't believe that such a common operation is so difficult to do. I would have thought you would be able to right-click on the "player" area (top of screen) and choose "Delete"....but no...and if it's not currently showing in the main list, then I'm at a loss. Am I missing something?...or is the program missing something?

I play most of my 20,000+ collection on random, so there ends up being a fair bit of crap in there that I won't have screened until it crops up, so I like to delete tracks as I hear them.

Thanks in advance for replies :)


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Re: So how do you easily delete the currently playing track?
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 07:52:37 am »

In Playing Now, right click and choose "Remove from List".  You can select multiple tracks to delete.


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Re: So how do you easily delete the currently playing track?
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2007, 02:12:45 pm »

I have a playlist named 'recycle bin' for this purpose. If I'm not at playing now, then right click on the display and send to > playlist > recycle bin.

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Thanks for the replies so far :)

However... :-\

(To put this in context: I have mouse-based RSI, and every unnecessary mouse movement/selection is more annoying than usual. I really notice the inefficiencies of a program's interface!)

I found the 2 pane split view, and set one to Playing Now, and then made it 1 line long, so I had access to change genre/delete/etc, but the program isn't intelligent enough to scroll the window to the current track, so a change in track doesn't update the display. So no workaround there...  :(

To gain access to the current track's properties, it seems I have to 1) Scroll the left tree pane to "Now Playing" 2) Click on "Now Playing" 3) Move mouse to right pane 4) Edit Properties of track/Delete 5) Click <- Back to restore the previous view. That's alot of convoluted steps.

The Recycle Bin playlist is a good one, but it's not as simple as it could be, as it requires 3 choices to make: Right-click > Send to > Playlist > Recycle Bin.

Is there a global keyboard shortcut that deletes the currently playing track?

Mr ChriZ

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Re: So how do you easily delete the currently playing track?
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2007, 03:58:06 pm »

Not sure if this helps at all,
but right clicking on the playing now then selecting
edit playing now brings up the playing now playlist on the right hand side...

Also if you're trying to delete from the library rather than from
the playlist pressing shift delete gives you more options.


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Re: So how do you easily delete the currently playing track?
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2007, 09:27:24 pm »

Thanks for suggestions, Mr ChriZ, but a) PlayingNow (left tree) is not always visible, and requires finding, and then b) Hitting PlayingNow (leftTree) does not automatically scroll to show the currently playing file. I have to find that too. When playing a 5000 song playlist, it's a PITA.

I'm also a Med!aMonkey program user, and I love that program - but it's audio-only and it just doesn't do the range of things JR does. I'd love to be happy enough with JR that I can dump MM. If the devs are listening....check it out for some ideas :)

Meanwhile...keep dem suggestions comin...


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To gain access to the current track's properties, it seems I have to 1) Scroll the left tree pane to "Now Playing" 2) Click on "Now Playing" 3) Move mouse to right pane 4) Edit Properties of track/Delete 5) Click <- Back to restore the previous view. That's alot of convoluted steps.
If its track properties you want, then Alt+Enter will display the Action Window for the current track. If you keep the tree visible, you will see the action window change to display them.

To get to playing now quickly Alt+2 will take you there from elsewhere.


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Re: So how do you easily delete the currently playing track?
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2008, 04:56:29 am »

Hi, I'm looking for the same functionality.. The fastest way I have found is to play all songs, then from playing now, rightclick and hold shift while clicking delete... but this does not make the music continue.
With thousands of songs, it would be really great with a hotkey for this. Is there anyone who has an idea on howto make one?


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Re: So how do you easily delete the currently playing track?
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2008, 05:37:19 am »

You are aksing for a hotkey that will physically delete tracks from your hard drives ?

what if you press it by mistake :o

The default implementation if you select+shift+delete in Playing Now offers you 3 choices, with the 3rd optoin ie delete from HD already selected, which is optimal i think.
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