I think the option of not having stuff added to the library would be extremly
useful elsewhere as well. The google image search added recently for example
is really useful, but the last thing I want is for them to go into my library
without me telling them too. Who knows what Google Search is going to bring up,
so I don't use it.
The advantage is that your photos are tagged, not just sorted by directory.
To you or me that might be advantagous, but for the vast quantities
of photos she's going through, there's no advantage to having them tagged,
but having them immediatley organised by directory works well for her.
I don't think she'll be interested in the extra steps as it means the
process isn't complete in one, especially if something like photo albums can do it in one,
and she already finds the rightly click menu's in Media Center a bit complex.
I'd have thought this would be a nice easy feature to add in.
I'd certainly use MC for importing if it had that feature.
When I'm importing photos off my camera it's often because I need the
memory card back and I'm not really thinking about tags etc, I come back to that later.
The rename files from properties thing is all very well, but it's not specific
to media type and always seems to have the wrong template in there.
Out of curiosity Is there any keyboard shortcut in MC for rotating images?
This would be really useful.
Right click/Send to/Send to External/Photoshop (you'll have to use Add/Edit to add Photoshop to the list)
It would be nice if it were possible to have favourite actions specific to media type,
so that Photoshop remained always at the top for images.
My mums alot more computer literate than she used to be, and much more than
most Mums I know, and beats me hand down when it comes to Photoshop

The truth is I'd show her this once, and then it would be forgotten.
Thanks for all the tips. At the moment MC isn't simple enough
in my opinion however, although head and shoulders above the rest
for things like tagging!