Much to David Crosby's dismay, I actually
did cut my hair this weekend (on Saturday if anyone is counting, though if you are I'm a little afraid)... It's still longish. Medium length I suppose. I wanted it just at shoulder length, but since my hair is very "spirally" (curly and wavy) it springs up a bunch when it dries and the hair stylists always underestimate how much it will "spring", so it's a bit above the shoulder now. I had been considering it for a couple of weeks, but was never sure... Then Saturday morning I woke up and just decided and did it on a whim. Must have been remnants from the wine on Thursday night...
They took off about a foot (about 30.5cm for those of you with a rational measurement system), which I donated to
Locks of Love which is nice.
It is really quite a change. I've had
long hair for about 12 years solid now. My hair grows absurdly fast, and I likely won't cut it again for a while... But still... Big changes are always bittersweet.
Just wondering, since "tis the season". Anyone else making any major personal changes they'd like to share?